Chapter Fourteen - The Halloween Masked Ball

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Dean (POV) *two months later*

Castiel and I were still refusing to talk to each other. I spoke to Charlie about it and she told me that he had said to her that he didn't want to make me feel uncomfortable with being close to him. He had told her that he would still be friends with me if i stopped being such an embaressed mess which only made me not want to speak to him even more. I couldn't be friends with him if i couldn't have him and maybe that was selfish on my part but i didn't want to ruin our friendship which we had built over these 15 years. When i was over my crush on him i would go and apologise for the mistakes that i had made but for now i just knew that i couldn't face him. I couldn't go back to being with her every single day when he now knows that i am in love with him! Oh the embarrassment! Why did i have to tell him that?

It was three days until Halloween and the school was throwing a sort of masked ball for it to celebrate. I didn't really want to go but Lisa and Aqua had dragged me and Adam along with them to go shopping for it. My dad had given me enough money to go and buy the stuff i needed and also a bit extra for food, he said that i should get out more and have fun because all i do now is mope around the house. Sometimes father knows best so i just decided to play along and if the shit got boring Lisa was probably going to be throwing an after party for it so i would just around to hers a bit earlier. Around a month back i had tried to get back together with her but she refused because she wanted me to 'man up' and just push Castiel up against a wall. Girls confuse me so much, why do they prefer homosexual relationships to their own relationships. To be honest though i was glad they were so accepting of me, i wouldn't know what i would do if they all turned against me for being bisexual.

I had been talking to Alfie (Samandriel) a lot more lately and i had talked to him about the flack he got for being homosexual. However what he said surprised me, he told me that he never really got bullied for his sexuality but more because he was a bit of a nerd. I told him he wasn't a nerd and that he was a pretty cool guy but he had said;

"Dean... I am such a nerd." He had said it with the most serious face possible and i couldn't help but laugh for the whole day. In science i just burst out laughing when i thought back to it and the whole class looked at me, including Castiel who had his eyebrows raised at me and was holding back a grin. I actually had to excuse myself from class for a few moments to pull myself together before entering again and sitting back down like nothing had happened.

So anyway, right now me, Adam, Aqua and Lisa were looking in all the fancy-dress shops in town looking for the right costumes and masks to go with them. I flick through the masks and grimace at every single on of them, thinking that they are all to girly for me. Maybe i'll get a Phantom of the Opera mask but then i suppose that most guys will get that, maybe a Zorro one? Again, most guys will get that. I groan to myself until i find an awesome red mask that covers half my face which had a hat with a red feather on top to go with it. I shrug as i pick them up and grab the black and red cloak as well. I hand them to the cashier and they nod in agreement.

"Good choices." He tells me and i grunt. "If you wanna look even better i suggest black cow-boy boots to go with it and maybe a sword." He then passes me the objects to look out and i shrug and nod my head.

"Alright then. Cheers." I tell him as he scans them and puts them in the bag. With that i pay him and take the bag off of him and start walking out of the shop without the others, wanting to get away from shopping. I laugh when i see Adam already out there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and looking bored.

"Why do girls take so long in choosing clothes?" He huffs and i laugh again.

"You can't rush perfection Adam, they'll be out in about an hour i reckon, wanna go grab something to eat?" He nods his head and we start walking towards a diner only a couple of doors down from the fancy-dress shop. When we head in Adam sends a quick text to Aqua, telling the ladies where we are before we sit down and look at the menu. 

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