Chapter Eleven - Drunk On You Pt 1

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Dean (POV) 

Me and Cas arrived at the party together. Thankfully Bee changed back into his normal punk rock clothes and me in my usual jeans, t-shirt, flannel top and leather jacket. We arrived in no time and apparently there were quite a few people staying at Lisa's that night. I left Cas to talk to Charlie and Alfie while i went to go see my friends and see what they were talking about. They were all huddled together in the kitchen when i walked in and when they saw me they stopped what they were talking about and drifted apart from one another. I looked at them suspiciously and asked;

"What's going on?"

"Nothing." A couple mumbled at the same time and i raise an eyebrow at them. 

"Look Dean, you know you could have just told us you were bisexual right?" Crowley tells me and i frown slightly.

"How do you-?

"We are all ok with it, we are just sad that you didn't tell us earlier yano?" Adam pipes in quickly with Aqua nodding in agreement. 

"Did you tell them...?" I ask him, gulping slightly but he shakes his head.

"Tell us what?" Lisa asks, looking between us both expectantly but we just ignore her as i go and grab a beer from the fridge. "Tell!"

"No Lisa!" I laugh, shaking my head slightly.

"Is this about you liking Cas?" She asks and all my friends chuckle slightly. I frown again but this time it was directed at her.

"Lisa, why did you tell them that?" I sigh and she just shrugs her shoulders.

"Because Dean, i want you to know that everyone in the school is okay about your sexuality. You're still their captain and you're still their friend."

"That doesn't mean you have to tell them about Cas! You could have just said; oh yeah, Dean's bi. Thats it. That's all you needed to say." I snap at her and she puts her hands on her waist, scowling slightly.

"Don't get gobby with me Winchester! Especially when we are planning on helping you." Smirks and grins go around the room as my eyes narrow in suspicion. 

"What do you mean help me?" I ask slowly, looking at every single member in the kitchen individually. 

"We want to help you get with Castiel!" Fuck yeah. NO BRAIN THIS IS BAD. Why is this bad? Your friends accept you and they want you to be the one you have been in love with for ages! GROW A PAIR. Fuck of brain. 


"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" Castiel was downing a bottle of some alcohol or another while my friends were all cheering him on as i looked on dissapprovingly, shaking my head. It was okay for them lot, they weren't the ones that was going to have to look after him tonight so he didn't get in any trouble. If he did then i would have his mental mom and crazy sister on my ass and i wasn't prepared for the conflict between the two red-heads. 

"Okay Okay, don't you think you've had enough to drink?" I laugh, walking over to Cas and taking the bottle away from him.

"Noooooo!" He says, his pitch going off the radar completely.

"Yesssss. Give it here Cas." Me and him play tug-of-war with the bottle for a couple of minutes until i finally poke his side where he starts giggling and snatch the bottle away from him, looking at the label. "Ergh dude, this is like pure vodka!" I gip, smelling the strong stuff. 


"So, you're going to be so ill tonight." I say, raising an eyebrow at him.

"That's okay, cause i have my best friend to look after me." He slurs, hugging me as everyone 'awws' around me. I roll my eyes slightly before pulling him over to the sofa and sitting down.

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