Chapter V

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Written by: Linh_101

Ni-ki wouldn't fall asleep. After Heeseung thought he finally had, he would sit up again and stare out the window, as if he was waiting for a certain pair of caretakers.

"Ni-ki," Heeseung said, his voice still patient and gentle. "What's the matter? Are you feeling okay?"

Ni-ki shook his head.

Heeseung knew the moment that Jungwon had asked Jake and Sunghoon to take him home, it would not turn out well.

"Ni-ki, it's really late," the older said, ruffling the young boy's hair. "Are you not tired?"

"I miss Sunghoonie hyung... and Jakey hyung..." he said quietly.

Heeseung thought for a moment. It was almost two in the morning, much too late for the little to be out of the house. He suddenly took out his phone and called a number.

"Heeseung hyung?"

Ni-ki's eyes widened at the sound of the voice.

"Hey, Jay. Ni-ki is having some trouble falling asleep. I thought maybe he'd be able to after talking to you for a little while."

Jay, who knew Jungwon was Heeseung's little, didn't question the older.

"Hi, Ni-ki," he said kindly.

Heeseung gave the little his cellphone and went to the kitchen to clear his mind. As he got himself a glass of water, he looked over at the couch. Had it really been only this morning when he found Jungwon cuddling against him? As much as he loved Ni-ki... he missed his little. He didn't feel the same without him.

He heard snippets of Ni-ki and Jay talking in Japanese and smiled softly.

If anyone besides Jake and Sunghoon could help Ni-ki rest easier, it would be Jay.

"Heeseungie hyung," Ni-ki called. "Jay hyung wants to talk to you."

The older went back to his room and the boy gave him his phone back.


"Ni-ki told me what happened. At least... he told me part of it."

"It was my fault," Heeseung said. "Jungwon and I had a fight, so he and Ni-ki decided to switch caretakers for the time being."

"Take him back in the morning," Jay advised, his voice calm. "He told me he regrets fighting with Jungwon and he wants to go back."

"But what if... Jungwon hates me?"

Jay laughed. "Hate you? Hyung, you're the one of the nicest people ever. Jungwon chose you. He could never hate you."

"You're right." Heeseung looked on the bed to check on Ni-ki. The boy was fast asleep. "I'll let you know how it goes. Goodnight, Jay."

"Goodnight, hyung."

Heeseung hung up and laid down next to Ni-ki.

Tomorrow... I'll make everything right, he promised to himself.

The exhaustion and worry from the day finally overtook him... and he fell asleep.


Happy Birthday Jay!

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Happy Birthday Jay!

You're already 19! So much has happened since I-LAND and your debut with ENHYPEN!

ENGENE are so proud of you! Keep working hard. We love you!

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