Chapter X

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Written by Twilight_Sapphire

Jungwon and Heeseung, both were bored the whole day today

They wanted to do something fun but had no idea what to do

That's when Jay called Heeseung and told him and he was gonna come over with Sunoo

Jay is Sunoo's caregiver and yes, Sunoo is a little too

"Wonie...Sunoo and Jay are coming over!" Heeseung told the little and he came out running from his room

"Whewe awe they?" the little asked a bit disappointed cuz he didn't see them in the living room as he thought they were already there

"They're on their way bub, they aren't here yet" the older said and the little smiled again

The doorbell rang and they opened the door expecting for Jay and Sunoo but saw Jake, Sunghoon and Ni-ki standing there

"Heya! Jay said he was gonna come over, so we came too" Jake said and the littles started jumping already

"Good thing you came now, we were very bored" Heeseung said and then the caregivers sat down to talk

Jay and Sunoo came soon and the littles ran to their room

"Yo kids! Don't go to the room! Stay here!" Jay shouted cuz he didn't want the littles to be alone

The littles came running out and started playing in front of their caregivers

"Jay...Did you plan anything for Sunoo's birthday?" Jake whispered to the older

"Yea...I brought all the items we'll need" Jay whispered back

"Oh shit I forgot about-" that's when he knew what he said, in front of the littles

"Shit?" Ni-ki asked the older and his caregivers started panicking

"No baby, he said sheep" Sunghoon said trying to make it sound like the little misheard

"Why shweep? Ni-ki heawd shit" the little said again

"Baby...It's sheep bub!" Jake said now but the little didn't listen to him

"Did Jay hyungie caww me?" Jungwon asked in the midst of the chaos making Heeseung laugh and the others relieved

"Yes wonie! I called you" Jay said and Ni-ki stopped telling it now

"Why did yuw caww me? the little asked now and Jay had no idea what to tell

"Just...because...I forgot bub, I'll tell you when I remember, now go play" Jay said and the little went back to play

As soon as the littles started playing again, Heeseung bursted out laughing at the panicking caregivers

"Hyung! It's not funny!!!" Jay shouted

"Talk quietly before you tell something else now" Jake said

"Yea true...I should've let them play in the room...And yea, I forgot to order the cake" Jay whispered, looking exhausted already without doing anything

"His birthday is on the day after tomorrow, order the cake tomorrow" Heeseung whispered back and the other nodded

Then they talked about their littles and it was soon time for the others to go back to their houses

After convincing the littles that it was time to go for more than 30 minutes, they left to their houses

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