Chapter III

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Written by: Linh_101

Jungwon rolled in bed, his cheek making contact with something soft, but sturdy. He opened his eyes to see that he was holding Ni-ki's arm, hugging it like a koala. The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't in his little space. 

"Good morning, Ni-ki!" Jungwon whisper-yelled softly. 

"Morning..." the younger mumbled, still half asleep and not ready to wake up. Seems like he was also no longer in little space. Jungwon giggled. Ni-ki didn't look like he was waking up anytime soon, so Jungwon carefully climbed out of bed and tiptoed to the living room, his bare feet feeling blissfully cool against the tile. It was slightly dark. He could see the door of Heeseung's room cracked open. He peeked inside, only to see it was Jake and Sunghoon sleeping in bed. They must've come back during the night. Jungwon gently closed the door and continued walking into the living room and spotted his caregiver fast asleep on the couch. 

It was such a Heeseung thing for him to sacrifice things, whether they were big or small, for the people he cared about. 

He climbed onto the couch, careful not to wake his caretaker. He remained where he was, snuggled up against Heeseung until he felt Heeseung shift. 


"Hi, hyung," the younger whispered softly. 

Heeseung yawned and ruffled the boy's hair. "How long have you been here?"

"Uh... since I woke up," he answered shyly. 

The older laughed softly. "Come on, Wonnie. Let's go wake up Sunghoon and Jake. Is Ni-ki awake yet?"

Jungwon shook his head. 

Heeseung pretended to think. "Could you... maybe help me wake him?" 

"Sure, hyung!" 

The older smiled as he watched Jungwon run back into his room. 

He stood up and folded the blanket and pillow and walked towards his own room. He opened the door and chucked his pillow at Jake's chest and and dumped his blanket on Sunghoon's face. 

"Time to wake up and help take care of the kids," Heeseung said in a sing-song voice. 

Both boys opened barely reacted to Heeseung. The oldest of the three sighed and turned on the light. 

"Too bright-!" Jake complained. Sunghoon merely pulled the covers over his face. 

"Come on! Jungwon is waking up Ni-ki, and they'll be hungry."

At the sound of Ni-ki's name, both caretakers sat up. They had returned to Heeseung's place after work, claiming that their apartment was too quiet without Ni-ki. There had been some squabble over who would take the couch and who would take the bed (Jake and Sunghoon said they were comfortable on the couch, but Heeseung insisted for them to use his bed). 

The three quickly fixed the bed and went into Jungwon's room. Ni-ki was finally stirring. 

"Ni-ki~" Sunghoon said gently. 

"Sunghoonie hyungie?" 

"I'm here, Ni-ki. Jakey is here too."

Ni-ki quickly slipped back into little space and giggled as he hugged his caretakers. 

"Jungwon-ah," Jake called. 

"Yes, hyung?" 

"You like cooking, don't you?" 

The younger boy nodded.

"Do you want to help me make breakfast?"


Jungwon allowed Jake to take him by the hand and lead him to the kitchen. 

Eventually, the house began to fill with the smell of pancakes and butter. 

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