Chapter XV

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Written by: Linh_101

The next day, Heeseung woke up earlier than he needed to run some errands. After yesterday, he didn't want to leave Jungwon alone with Braxton. He couldn't ask Jay to come over again, so he did the second best thing. 

Fifteen minutes later, Jake was at the door. 

"Why'd you call so early, hyung?" the younger boy yawned. "It's barely 7."

"I need to leave in an hour," the older said. "And I need some help. Didn't you mention that you have a dog?" 

Jake nodded. "Layla. She's a golden border collie."

The boy got dreamy eyed as he thought about his dog. Jake had moved from Australia to Korea for school, leaving his family behind about two years ago. Heeseung had always admired the younger. He had moved to an entirely different country on his own and had learned a new language within four months. Despite all that, he wore a smile on his face everyday and was always goofy and energetic. 

"Jay may have told you, but Jungwon found a stray the other day and brought him home. But that night, he couldn't sleep and was stuck in little space because the puppy wouldn't stop barking."

"The puppy was most likely just scared because it was in a new place," Jake explained. "Most dogs are like that, especially strays."

The younger watched as Heeseung bit his lip and paced around the room nervously. 

"Hyung, relax. I'll take care of Jungwon and the puppy."

"Are you sure?" 

Jake nodded. "Sunghoon can handle Ni-ki for a day."

After checking that Jake would have everything he would need, Heeseung waved and left for work. Jake sat on the couch and scrolled through his phone for a little while, no longer feeling tired. He heard a quiet creak and put his phone down, looking towards the hallway.

Braxton was padding into the living room. 

"Aww! Hey there," Jake cooed quietly. 

Braxton seemed to perk up and ran straight to the caretaker, sniffing his hands and clothes. 

"You must be the little troublemaker that Heeseung hyung was talking about, aren't you?" 

Braxton wagged his tail and yipped. Jake shushed him quietly. 

"Don't wake up Jungwonie," he scolded lightly, tapping the dog's nose. "Come on, boy. You must be hungry."

Jake spotted a bag of dog food on the counter and looked at the directions before looking at Braxton. He carefully measured the proper amount of food into a bowl and placed it in front of the pup. Braxton nudged Jake's leg gratefully before crunching happily on his kibble. Jake noticed the way Braxton ate-- quickly, as if someone would take his food away if he didn't eat fast enough. It made him feel a pang in his heart. He comfortingly patted Braxton's small head. 

"Take it easy. You're okay now, little one."

Braxton seemed to listen and slowed his pace. 

There was another creak and Jake turned to see Jungwon stumbling into the hallway. 

"Heeseung hyung went to run some errands," the caregiver explained. "He'll be back soon. Did you sleep well?" 

Jungwon nodded and stared at Braxton, who had finished his food and was nuzzling Jake. 

"Brax likes you," the boy declared, walking over to pet the dog's fur. 

"He seems like a good dog," Jake agreed. "He's lucky to have you, Won."

"Me? Why?"

Jake smiled. "Never mind. Why don't we get you something to eat? What are you in the mood for?"

"Toast and fried eggs!" 

"You got it!" 

Jungwon watched as Jake cooked and soon, the caretaker placed a plate of food before him. As Jungwon finished his food, Braxton yipped and whined a bit as he rubbed his nose against Jungwon's foot. 

"What do you want to play, Braxy?" the boy asked, slipping into his little space.

The dog nudged a small yellow ball. He scooped it up in his mouth and it let out a loud squeak, causing Jungwon and Jake to laugh. 

"Remember to be gentle," Jake reminded kindly. "Make sure he's comfortable when you play."

"Okay, Jakey hyung!" Jungwon beamed. 

Jake watched as Jungwon and Brax played. They had played fetch for awhile with Brax's yellow ball and cuddled. They had run around a bit and Jake showed Jungwon how to take care of Braxton when he did his business. The older explained how young puppies needed to be fed often and showed Jungwon a few tips for house training Braxton. The pup was smart and easily picked up what Jungwon and Jake taught him. He knew how to show when he needed to go outside by pawing at the door. The three had trained and played for a couple hours. Jungwon was laying on the couch with Braxton snuggled up against his stomach as they watched TV after eating snacks. Jake was sitting at the table, checking up on Sunghoon and Ni-ki.

There was a sound of keys unlocking the door and Heeseung came inside, carrying plastic bags. Jake helped him take them inside as Jungwon sat up. 

"Seungie hyung!" 

"Hey there, Won!" Heeseung greeted happily, ruffling Jungwon's hair. "Did you have a fun day today, baby?" 

Jungwon nodded excitedly and started to tell the older about his day. Jake looked at his phone before putting on his jacket. 

"I have to go, Heeseung hyung," he said, his voice apologetic.

Heeseung playfully shooed him away. 

"Go! Sunghoon and Ni-ki probably need you."

"Thanks, hyung! Bye, Jungwon! Be good, Braxton!" 

"Bye Jakey!" 

Jake went out the door and Heeseung closed it behind him. 

"Hyungie! What did you get?" Jungwon asked. 

Braxton was sniffing curiously at the plastic bags that Heeseung had placed onto the floor. With a smile, Heeseung took the little's hand and sat down on the floor with him as he began taking stuff out of the bags. 

"Just... a few things."

He placed a collar in his lap and set down a dog bowl and bags of dog food. There was also a bin of toys and treats. 

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Jungwon squealed. 

Braxton was barking, sensing Jungwon's excitement. Heeseung fell back as Jungwon tackled him into a hug. The older held him tightly. They stayed that way for a little while until Heeseung started tickling the little. With a shriek, Jungwon tried to escape the older's grip, but failed. Heeseung pressed a kiss against Jungwon's forehead before letting him go. As the little went to play with his puppy with the new toys, Heeseung felt his heart swell with joy. He always wanted to take good care of Jungwon. Even though he had only known Jungwon for two years, he felt like he had known him forever.  

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