Chapter XX

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Written by Twilight_Sapphire

Jungwon was doing something from the morning without the older knowing

Whenever Heeseung went to check on the younger, he'll hide it from him

It's lunch time already and Heeseung went to get the younger out of his room to eat

"Wonieeee! Lunch time!" the older went inside the room and the little quickly hid something again

"What is that bub?" the older asked him again

"Aftew wunch" the little said and the older took him to the living room without asking anything

They ate their lunch, Heeseung was working on his laptop while the little locked his room now

After sometime, the little came out of his room with his hands behind his back

"Hyungie eyes cwose!" the little said and the older obeyed

He placed something on the older's hands


The older opened his eyes and saw a blank paper in his hand

He turned it to the other side and saw 7 guys standing with different costumes

"It's beautiful bub" the older hugged the little

"Hyungie...Wonie wans go canibal" the little said and the older liked the idea

He quickly checked if there are any carnivals happening at the moment and he was very happy when he found out there was a carnival the very next day

Heeseung quickly told the little and he started jumping in excitement

"Caww kiki an ddeonu...awso Jay hyungie, hoonie hyungie, Jake hyungie" the little said and the older nodded

He called them up to see if they were free the next day and fortunately, all of them had nothing to do

"Sleep now bub, you won't be able to wake up tomorrow if you sleep late today" the older said and the little went to sleep

Heeseung finished cleaning their house and went to sleep too


It was 5 a.m when Heewon's door bell started ringing like crazy

Heeseung lazily went out of his room and opened the door to see 5 excited faces

"You're not ready yet!? We have a loooong way to go" Jake said and that's when Heeseung remembered

He somehow slept over his alarm and was now kinda late

He woke Jungwon up and quickly showered

Heeseung finished packing their bags while Jungwon showered

He took all the littles' items and snacks for them

It was a 12 hours travel as the carnival wasn't near them

Heeseung, Jay, Jake and Sunghoon took turns in driving and finally they were there

They stood in front of the 7 star hotel, Jay booked for them

"This is huge..." Sunghoon said standing in the entrance

"Ofcourse it is, we'll go in now" Jay said and they followed him

"Did you really book a 7 star hotel for 7 people who are gonna stay here only for 7 hours?" Jake asked and Jay could only nod cuz he asked the same question for soo many times now

They rested for a while, tired from all those travelling

Now it was time for the carnival

They got their costumes ready, all the seven boys dressed as vampires

They went to the carnival and waited for the parade to start

A few minutes later, the parade finally started

Everyone were super excited and were cheering everyone in the parade

It's been a while now and the parade is finally over when they noticed Jungwon not with them

"Where did Jungwon go?" Heeseung asked the others and no one had any idea where the little went

They searched for him everywhere and couldn't find him

Everyone started freaking out and Heeseung was in the verge of crying

"Does he have his phone with him?" Sunghoon asked the older and that's when they remembered phones exist

They quickly called Jungwon but the little didn't answer the call

They tracked his phone and went where his phone was

The little's phone was alone, on the floor and now they started panicking again

The guys searched nearby and found the little crying in a corner

"Wonie!" Heeseung ran to the older and hugged him

"Hyungie...wonie- sowwy" the little said between his sobs

"It's okay bub, you're safe now that's more important...Are you hurt?" the older asked and the little shook his head

Even if the younger said he was fine, the older still checked him

"I'm sorry bub...I didn't keep an eye on you" the older said

"Wonie sowwy fow fowwowing buttewfwy pawade" the little said and the older hugged him again

"It's not your fault bub, but try to stay with us" the older placed a peck on the little's forehead

They then left to their hotel after having their dinner and soon drove back home

They were all super tired when they went back to Heeseung and Jungwon's house so they slept over in their place

Heeseung felt really bad for not keeping an eye on the little but now everyone are together and that's what matters the most


The End

Thank you so much for reading and supporting us with so much love. This book is like a journey that is coming to an end...but more will come soon. We hope you love our next works. This book reached 10K views already! We didn't expect this but thank you soo much for your support♡

~ Dusk_Dawn2002

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