Chapter XIX

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Written by: Linh_101

Jungwon was practically bouncing up and down as he played with Brax. Heeseung was finally well enough to go out again and he had promised to take Jungwon with him to the mall. Jungwon loved watching Heeseung shop and try on new clothes. The older always looked so cool.

"Brax, roll over!"

Brax did as he was told and Jungwon giggled.

Heeseung came out of his room. He was wearing a black shirt tucked into his black ripped jeans and a gray dress shirt he wore as a jacket. He wore silver drop earrings that dangled. A matching silver chain hung around his neck.

"Okay, Won. You ready?"

"Yes, hyung!"

Heeseung grabbed a black beanie and put it on his head.

"Let's go!"

Jungwon followed the older out the door. Inside the mall, Heeseung allowed the younger to drag him wherever he wanted to go. His heart bubbled with happiness as he watched Jungwon go into every store with a huge smile on his face. Almost two hours later, Jungwon got hungry, so they decided they should go back home. They walked hand in hand. Heeseung saw people staring and ignored them. Jungwon was too excited to notice. The older suddenly froze as a couple walked past them. The man side eyed him, while the woman kept her eyes forward.

Was that... Mom and Dad?

2 years before

17-year-old Heeseung looked down at his feet as his parents stood before him.

"A caretaker for littles?" His dad hissed that last word with such viciousness, Heeseung flinched.

"Mom... Dad... I'd be taking care of people," Heeseung said quietly. "Sort of like a doctor."

"No." His father cut him off. "You're going to college. You're not going Seoul."

Heeseung loved his parents, and he wanted to make them proud, but he didn't want to tie himself down to do something he didn't want to do for the rest of his life. He would be 18 in a month, he could find a way to support himself if his parents didn't. 

"You will be cut off if you really choose this as this your career," his mother warned. "Do you want that?" 

Heeseung bit his lip and raised his head to look at his parents in the eye. 

"I want to do this," he pleaded. "Can't you trust me to be successful in my own way?" 

"This isn't a real job! If you want to ruin your future and end up on the streets, then be my guest!" his father yelled.

Tears stung Heeseung's eyes as he tried to hold them in. He spun around and went straight to his room and began to pack. He grabbed whatever clothes he could find and shoved them into his two suitcases. He grabbed his wallet and retrieved the money he had saved for the last five years. He took his luggage and went to the front door. His older brother was running down the stairs as Heeseung walked out the door. 

"Heeseung, wait!"

The door was slammed in his face. 

3 months later

Heeseung smiled. 

After leaving his parents and his brother, he moved in with his best friend, Jay until he got back onto his feet. Heeseung had been able to find an apartment after two months of working at the dance center and a side job at a restaurant. He had reconnected with his other friends from school, Jake and Sunghoon, and met his friends' littles, Ni-ki and Sunoo. Now, Heeseung was more determined than ever to become a good caretaker like his friends. 

Two months before, he had saved a little from his abusive caretaker, and had taken him in as his own.  

The little's name was Jungwon. 

The boy was still really shy around Heeseung, but he bonded with the others quite nicely. The two were still pretty awkward around each other, whether Jungwon was big or little. The younger boy pretty much avoided tried to avoid him whenever he could. Whenever they were together, they tried the whole time to avoid meeting each others eyes. 

Was he too intimidating? He wanted to try and get closer to Jungwon, but he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. 

He knocked on Jungwon's bedroom door. 

"Jungwon?" he said. "Dinner's ready! It's pasta... with some chicken."

"Coming, hyung," Jungwon said quietly. Heeseung went to the table and waited. After a few minutes, Jungwon came out. "Hyungie... Wonie have something." He shyly handed Heeseung a folded piece of paper. He opened it.

It was a drawing of him and Jungwon. 

Jungwon gave the older a tight hug before Heeseung could react. 

"Wuv you Seungie hyung!" 

Heeseung almost cried right then and there. He accepted Jungwon's hug and hugged him back tightly. 

"I love you too, Jungwonie. I love you more than anything in the whole world."

And just like that... they were never apart since. 



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