Chapter XVII

967 66 42

Written by: Linh_101

The next morning, Jungwon woke up early to use the restroom. He froze when he saw Heeseung gasping and panting as he sat on the bathroom tiles in front of the toilet. The elder's head was facing down and his eyes were shut. The little noticed how Heeseung's face was coated with a thin sheen of sweat. He looked so exhausted...

"Hyungie?" Jungwon spoke quietly.

Heeseung looked towards him.

"Hey, baby." His voice was hoarse, but he still smiled as if he was perfectly fine.

Jungwon walked closer and sat in front of Heeseung, taking his hand.

"Seungie is sick," he pointed out.

He tugged Heeseung's hand to get him to stand. The caretaker obliged and followed the little as Jungwon led him back to his room.

"Won... you should go back to sleep. I'm okay."

"No," Jungwon said firmly, shaking his head. "Wonie no sweep. Wonie stay with hyungie."

If Jungwon had to be honest, he had no idea how to take care of the older. But, Heeseung had nurtured and cared for him for the past two years. He wanted to return the favor. He ran to the kitchen and grabbed a dishcloth. He rinsed it with warm water and ran back to his caretaker, water dripping onto the floor. He placed the cloth on Heeseung's forehead. He had seen Heeseung do the same thing to him hundreds of times before.

"Hyungie... cwose your eyes," the younger said with a pout.

Heeseung let out a throaty chuckle at the younger's cuteness and suddenly broke into a fit of coughs. Jungwon gave him a water bottle and the older accepted it gratefully. Jungwon ran back out to the kitchen, looking for food.

What would Heeseung feed him when he was sick?

Maybe soup, but Jungwon didn't know how to use the stove. Heeseung always said not to touch the stove or microwave or anything sharp unless he was big. He really wanted to cook ramen. It was Heeseung's favorite. Jungwon chewed on his lip anxiously for moment... until his eyes landed on a package on the table. 

Heeseung sat up, startled when Jungwon placed a bag of chocolate cookies on his lap.

"What's this, Won?"

"Um... food for Seungie to fweel better...?"

Heeseung smiled and pressed a kiss onto the boy's forehead.

"Thank you, my little sheep garden."

Jungwon watched Heeseung eat a cookie and take a few sips of water. He tried to tuck the older in, pulling the blanket up all the way to Heeseung's chin. 

"Now, hyungie sweep. Wonie take care," he said, patting Heeseung's head. The little left the room to grab an extra blanket in case Heeseung was cold, but found the older fast asleep when he returned. He placed the extra blanket over Heeseung and waddled back to his own room and went back to sleep with a huge smile on his face. 


This is directed to the previous chapter when Jungwon's past was revealed.

Let us explain-

Little Jungwon knew about everything Haejoon did, but he overcame the trauma. He couldn't slip into his "big" mindset whenever he was abused due to his weak condition. Big Jungwon was able to recover from the trauma as well. Little Jungwon is fully recovered now, but is scared whenever he hears/sees people scolding their children and etc.

We hope that makes a bit more sense now! See you all next time~

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