Chapter IX

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Written by Linh_101

Heeseung couldn't stand it anymore. It broke his heart when he saw Jungwon fighting not to become little. Every time the younger caught Heeseung looking, the boy sent him a glare and went to his room. Enough was enough. The caretaker was afraid for Jungwon's health and mental state. Heeseung finally gathered his courage and knocked on Jungwon's door.

There was no response.

He knocked again.


He pressed his ear against the door, straining to hear inside the room. His heart thumped loudly. What if something had happened to him? He twisted the knob and opened the door. Jungwon was sitting in the corner of the room, curled into a ball. His face was hidden in his knees. The boy was trembling.


Jungwon lifted his face, revealing his tear stained cheeks, and let out a broken sob.


He ran into Heeseung's arms, sobbing.

"I'm s-sowwy for being so mean," the little wept. He hid his face in Heeseung's shoulder as the older comfortingly rubbed his back and soothed him. The younger felt relaxed and safe as Heeseung began to sing random songs to calm him.

Jungwon  cried for a little while longer until his sobs turned into hiccups as he tried to control himself.

"Oh, Wonie, I am so, so sorry," the older whispered as he gently caressed the younger's face. "I never should have tried to force you to slip."

"H-Heeseungie not mad?" the little asked, confused.

"Of course not, baby. You were only trying to help me." He looked the boy in the eye. "Is it okay if you become big for a minute?"

Jungwon nodded. Once he came out of his littlespace, the younger began to speak. 

"Hyung... I didn't mean to hurt you," the younger said. "I didn't want to be a burden on you and make you stressed."

"Love, you could never be a burden. It doesn't matter if you're little or big. You're still my Jungwon."

He booped the younger on the nose. The boy managed a smile and the older's heart melted a bit.

"Jungwon... I don't want you doing that again, okay? It's not safe if you don't let yourself slip when you feel like you have to," Heeseung scolded lightly.

Jungwon nodded. "Yes, hyung."

They hugged again.

"Come on now, baby," Heeseung cooed. "Let's clean you up."

Jungwon slipped back into his littlespace and walked hand in hand with Heeseung to the bathroom, a huge smile on his face. The older wet a towel and cleaned away his tears. 

"Do you want to do anything?" he asked sweetly, patting the younger's head. 

Jungwon pouted as he seemed to think hard when he suddenly brightened. 


"You want to watch Nemo, love?" 

The little nodded excitedly and let out a giggle. 

Heeseung laughed softly with him. 

"Nemo it is!" 

The caretaker quickly whipped up Jungwon's favorite snacks-- apple slices, chocolate milk, and and mini peanut butter sandwiches. 

They spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch as they watched Finding Nemo. 

"I love you, Wonie."

"Love you too, Seungie."

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