Chapter XIV

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Written by Twilight_Sapphire

Jungwon woke up not feeling too good cuz their new pup was barking the whole night, not letting him sleep properly

Jungwon slept in his little room with Braxton and Heeseung was sleeping in his room so the older didn't know about this

Jungwon came out of his room and saw Jay instead of Heeseung

The little woke up in his baby space due to lack of sleep

He sat on the couch with his blanket covering him

"You're up baby?" Jay came from the kitchen

"Hee hyungie..." the little said

"Oh...Heeseung hyung went for work bub" Jay said and the little started crying

"What's wrong Wonie?" the little didn't tell anything

He started crying loudly, making Jay panic

He quickly called Heeseung and told him to come home soon

"Heeseung hyung will come soon bun...don't cry baby" the little sure didn't listen to the older

He kept on crying, making himself more tired

Soon they heard the front door open

The little saw Heeseung and made grabby hands while still crying

"I'm here bub, why is wonie crying?" Heeseung asked but he got no reply except for sniffles

"What's wrong Wonie?" he asked again and the little cuddled closer to the older

He started whining more so the older stopped asking questions

"We'll go eat now?" the older said and was about to get up when the little started crying again

"Use your words baby" he said

"Bwaxy bawk aww an wonie no sweep" the little said between his sobs

"You could've called me bub...I would've taken care of Brax"

"Wonie ish...wespownsibwe"

"Wonie is responsible but he can ask for hyung's help if he wants" the older said and the little stopped crying

"Den wonie ask hyungie hewp?" he asked and the older nodded

"Wonie tiwed...wonie needs cwuddles and mowe sweep time" the little said and the older chuckled

"Ofcourse bub" he said and took the exhausted younger to their room and cuddled till the little fell asleep

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