Chapter 17

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My story ended and i didn't  want to look into his eyes, no it was more as if i didn't want to be in the same room as him.

"Sora" Here we go, he's going to judge me, but why should i care he's just like every other person in this world. 

"Sora" I opened my eyes that i seemed to have closed when i finished my story. When i did open them i saw him in front of me and he was looking into my eyes. Lost, yes that's the first thing that popped into my mine, i felt lost when i looked into his eyes, but seemed to regain again when he touched my hand. 

"Even if i don't remember anything, i want you t know that i don't care about what has happened in your life" Crush, my heart it felt as if it crushed into many pieces. Why, because he has fallen in love with me once again; which would mean i will have to get rid of it, even if i don't want to. 

"Don't touch me as if you own me" Pain, this feeling after i took my hand away from him and said that. Why do i aways have to say a hurtful thing to him when i love him, but i know i shouldn't. 

"If you touch me so easily i will kill you sasori" Hurt, again this feeling in my heart i hate it, it makes me feel so confused and angry. 

"Sora, wait" Warmth his warmth spreads in my body as he touches my hand again, why, why do i have to fall in love. 

"I l-"

"I said not to touch me!"


I hit him and walk away to the door and shut it quickly when i leave. Dam it why do i have to act like this every time i'm near him. I really regret it now that i had chosen to become a akatsuki member, but my heart feels something else instead of that. Instead it feels the opposite of it and that is love. 

"Sora-sama" I turn around to see Etsu walking up to me; i didn't notice that i have been standing in the hallway all this time. 

"What is it Etsu?"

"Well i just wanted to as-"

"Why did sasori-danna forget his memories un" Anger, i feel anger right now, when i hear his annoying un in the end of his sentences. 

"I am not obliged to tell you"

"What un?! why can't i know un?" I turn around and sigh, while walking away.

"Hey don't just leave un" 

"Sora-sama, whats going on" I do a little wave at them before vanishing in thin air. Then i re-appear in another room in the building. It kind of annoys me that this building represents myself and how my emotions are, since this is my inner world inside my head. 

"Dam it" i hit the wall of my room wile i slide on the floor. 

"Why do i have to have emotions. I wish i never had any" 

"Really is my daughter having some trouble" I turn around to see my so called mother standing in the shadows. 

"Why are people just coming in and out of my house?"

"Well i am your parents aren't i? Or what do you not want to see me?" I glare at her as she smirks at me. 

"What do you want dear mother"

"Well can't i just see how my dear daughter is doing these days?"

"No, since last time i checked you never really loved me or cared about who i am. Anyway why did you appear in real life instead of in my dreams"

"Like i said i wanted to see you that's all"

"hump, s if you cared about anything"

"I do" I blink for a minute and look at her, while sneaking a kunia in my hand. 

"That won't work" I freeze as she smirks. 

"How did you know"

"Sweet i know" She vanishes and re-apperas behind me and whispers in my ear.

"Everything" It send shivers down my spin as she whispered it with venom in her voice. 

"Shut it you know nothing" She keeps on playing that smirk on her face, i started to get irritate at her toying with me. 

"Oh, but i do. Why do you think that you have fallen in the same footsteps as me" I freeze again, while she walks over to me and twists my hair on her finger tips. 

"You see, you don't even kno-" I had enough, i threw my kunia at her while she vanishes in a poof. 

"I'm sorry dear Sora, but i must take my leave, but do not worry because we will meet again" I hear her laughter fade away in the room as i try to figure out where she went, but no i cannot find her. It is like laying cat and mouse, when i am the mouse and she is the cat ready to pounce on me any minute. 

"Dam it" I put back my kunia in my pouch, when i made sure that she has left.

"Why does she have to come and toy with me?" I rub my forehead and later take out a scroll out when i have calmed down. When i have opened the scroll i take out miku's body. Her body already is a puppet, but i will have to make some adjusting to it, for i can use it as a sheild. 

Knock knock Knock

I freeze as the person the other side knock again, i wonder who it can be when i haven't used any chakra to make anyone know i am in here. Unless it's Etsu. 

"What do you want?" 

"I want to know why? Sora-sama" I tense up and grab miku's body. 

"About what"

"You know what i'm talking about Sora-sama" I start to brush miku's hair and play with it, as her blood stains my clothes. 

"Sora-sama, open the door" 

"It's open just open it yourself" I hear the door knob open and footsteps coming closer to me. 

"What are you doing Sora?" I hold onto Miku's dead body close to me as she looks at me. 

"Sora-sama are you okay" I feel liquid run down my face. Sadness, yes i haven't felt this emotion for a long time, but its only because  its really hard to get this emotion out. 

"Sora-sama your crying" I put my hand on my cheek as i feel tears touch my wooden fingers. 

"Sora-sama" I slap her hand away and feel the guilt inside me develop inside me as i feel the guilt of slapping her hand away, just because she wanted to help. 



"Leave me Etsu just... go please" I hear her leave and shut the door as i cry my eyes out. I hate it i feel so weak.

Don't mess with me (A Sasori love story) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now