Chapter 1

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Sora POV

The stars shined in the night and lights from the house flicked off one by one, until all the lights were off and all you could see was the the moon and stars. Only one light was shining from a house and that was my house. Nobody dares to even yell or say anything to me, since they know that if they mess with me they the same thing, but worst. 

While i just sit here on my chair and look out the window admiring the stars as the twinkle every minute as if they were dancing in the sky and i was invited to join them, but i just sat there and waited. I knew they were coming, but i didn't worry like most people would; since i would be able to beat them with a blind fold on and each hand tied behind my back. Even if there whole group come they will not be able to beat me. 

"Sora-sama" I peer over at Shizuka, who is looking at me with worry in her eyes; as if she knew that something was coming. 

"Yes, what is it" I say to her with some harshness tone in it, but she doesn't flinch or back away instead she walks beside me and looks at me with her big blues eyes that shine bright under the moon. 

"I feel as if thiers something coming" I sigh and face her now with an annoyed face, but still she doesn't get scared like the other villagers or people that would.

"And that would be" I say with a annoyed voice.

"I think somebodies coming, because i can feel their presences coming closer and closer" I sigh and turn my back on her and sit down on my chair and spin on it. 

"Shizuka, i know people are coming here, so just shut up and don't bother me when they do alright." 

"bb..bbut there chakura is so huge and it feels as if they are here to kill somebody" I keep on spinning my chair just to see the room around me spin to, but when i stop i start to laugh and spin more on my chair.

"Sora-sama!, are you okay" As she reaches out to me i slap her hand away and glare at her, but she ignores it and stands still. 

"Shizuka, don't touch me you know i hate it when people touch me"

"Hai Sora-sama" 

"Anyway, don't under estimate me, I knew they were coming since they left their hide out and came looking for me" 

"Ww... what do you mean Sora-sama; are you saying that there coming to come kill you!" I peer one more time at her and see her hands up to her mouth and her eyes that looked as if she were about  to cry. I sigh again and stand up  and walk towards her and lift her chin up for she could look at me straight in the eyes. 

"Listen Shizuka, don't cry, because its annoying and second don't underestimate me okay" She nods and wipes her tears away. 

"Also shizuka"


"stand still and don't talk unless i tell you to"

"Ha-" (Crash) 

I sat down on my chair and looked at the intruders that had broken my window and were standing on the glass which made it shatter more. 

"We are here for Sora Abe, where is she"  I sigh and open my door to get my fan out, it was black and it had dark purple flowers on one of the sides. As i took it out a Kunai came at me, but i just used my fan and caught it and threw it back at the person who threw it. He just caught it with two fingers only inches away from his face, but he got cut a little since his two fingers were now dripping with blood. 

"What is it you want" I smirk to myself already knowing what they came here for. Before the leader of the group could talk a guy with white hair came out of the crowd.

"What the fuck; she's a girl leader" Everyone just stood still while i just sat there fanning myself.

"It doesn't matter if she's a girl; she is the most famous information broker and great ninja there is" 

"What the fuck are you talking about she wouldn't be able  to even kill anybod-" Before he could finish his sentence i had already kicked him which made him fly towards the wall making a hole in it. Everyone except Shizuka and me looked around to see who had kicked him, instead they found no one, but shizuka standing. They all glared at her and were about to kill her if i hadn't stood up from the chair making every ones attention towards me. 

"It was me who kicked him not Shizuka" Everyone looked shocked at this and some of them backed away except for a old man with a hunch on his back and the leader. 

"How did you do that" I looked at the leader of the group with a bored expression on my face.

"I just got up and kicked him that's all"

"I don't mean that, how did you do it so fast" I smirked and held a finger up to my mouth and one eye shuts.

"Sshh it a secert" Almost al the the boys in the group blushed and tried to look away before i could see them, but i still saw them blush. Only one of the members interested me and that was a girl with violet blue hair with a origami flower on her head; who was glaring at me. I only smirked at her and ignored her to only get glared by her even more. 'Hmm interesting, she must be Konan, which means the guy other there is the leader named Pein if I'm correct.'

"So, what is it you want anyway" Pein looked at me and cleared his throat before he spoke to me.

"I will like you to be a part of the Akatsuki" I just smirk and observed every face of the members until i made it to Pein. 

"And if i refuse" I say with a smirk and fanning myself again with the fan.

"Then we will have to use force" 

"Oh really"

"Yes now what is your answer" I smirk stil and fan myself still. I then look at Shizuka, to only see her looking at me with wide eyes and tears about to fall. I walk towards her and wipe away her tears that were about to fall and face her.

"Shizuka, do you think i should go with them"  Shizuka just looks at me and starts to tremble a little bit. 

"No! Sora-sama, you can't leave with them!" I just smirk at her answer and face the group of boys and girl.

"Well there you have it, my answer is no" All the members stepped closer and took a fighting stand, but the Pein stopped them and spoke again.

"And why not" 

"Because, Shizuka said no and anyway i like to mess around with people here"

"I see then, nothing we say will change your mind then and even if we kill that girl over their you will still not come with us; well then we will do it the hard way."

All the members took there, each one came running at me and tried to hit me, but i would dodge it fast. Some of them gave up and tried to hit Shizuka to gain my attention, but she would dodge it with ease. One the members tried to connect there chakura to me to use me as a puppet, but i would avoid it. 

"Enough!" I screamed. Everyone stopped and looked at me, to see what i would say; instead i sat on my chair and fanned myself again. While they look at me as if i was crazy.

"Shizuka, pack my stuff up were leaving" 

"Hai, Sora-sama" Everyone looked at me shocked when i said that.

"So that means you are joining the Akatsuki"


"Then way did you say no in the beginning" 

"I was observing all your attacks to see what all of you could do, now that i gained more information i can go" All the members looked at me surprised that i could read all there movements at the same time they were fighting me. Since they didn't think about tat and didn't read my movement instead.

"Sora-sama, I'm done"

"Good, did you get everything and your stuff too"


"Good, now Pein lead the way" Every ones expressions were shocked that i knew his name, since he didn't  tell me, but i ignored it and jumped out the window to wait for them to come.

Don't mess with me (A Sasori love story) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now