Chapter 12

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Sora's POV

Huff Huff

I should have paided attention to that black cloud.

Huff Huff

Why didn't i check to make sure what it was.

Huff Huff

Dam it i can't run anymore, somehow i got my real body back and its slow like any other person's body is. I look around to see if there was a way out of here, but the only thing i could see was darkness around the room and emptiness. Dam it where did everyone go.

"Sora-sama!" I shot my head up trying to figure out where the voice had come from, but couldn't identify where it came from. Dam it!

"Sora-sama!" This time i made sure in hearing it and when i heard it; i quickly sprinted the voice that belonged to Etsu.

"Etsu! where are you!"

"Sora-sama! Help!" I quicken my pace, but it was no use this human body was in its limits and it felt as if i was running through these hallways for hours. Every time she yelled the more her voice started to fade away and the more i felt as if something was holding me back. When i couldn't hear her voice again; I stopped and stood in the darkness.

"This must be a dream it just has too"

"Sora!" I shot my head up again to hear Sasori's voice.



"Sasori!" I began to run again, but again it was no use and my real heart started to feel heavy inside.

"SORA!" I stopped and stood where i was and tears started to flow down my face as i see a red head with body all over his body.

"SASORI!" I began to fall to my knees with tears going down my eyes as i see his lifeless body on the ground. Soon the darkness started to break as if it was glass and light started to appear.

"Will see later Sora, but for now were let you have a happy life until we crush for you" I look up to see them again, but i couldn't do nothing the only thing i could do was sit and watch as their appearance faded away and my world crumbled into little pieces.

--End of Dream--

"Sora!" I opened y eyes to meet a red head who was shaking me to wake up, I quickly pushed him away and stood up trying to catch my breath.

"What's wrong"

"Nothing, now leave my room"

"I won't leave until you tell me what's wrong"

"Since when do i have to tell you my business"

"Well i wouldn't be asking you, if i didn't hear you yelling out my name" I froze for a minute, but regained my composer.

"Why would i be yelling your name"

"That what i want to know"

"Well to tell you the truth I don't know, happy"


"Then leave"


"Why?" There was an awkward silence that i couldn't take anymore, so i slid under my covers and covered myself.

"Why do you sleep?"

"For i can regain my energy, what don't you sleep?"

"Well only in certain times"

"Really" I peak out from my blank and see that he nods his head and stands where he is and starts to watch my movement.

"Can you leave"

"No" I sigh and try to sleep, but couldn't since i could feel his gaze on me.

"Stop staring at me!"


"Why not!"

"Well i want to see how you sleep"

"No, now leave"

"Like i said i-" I kicked him and he dodged it to my surprise, but i started to hit him again, but yet again he started to dodge them.

"Stop dodging them"

"No" I got more angry and i started to hit him again and again, but he just avoided them. But then something unusual happen we started to laugh and play fight with each other, until i was on the bed and he was on top of me.

(WARNING!!! Okay this part will be inapporite for kids so please do not read if you do not like to read lemony stories )

We both stayed still and looked at one anothers eyes, something inside me wanted to kiss him, but another part of me wanted to push him off me. When i choose one of them; it was already to late, since he had kissed me and my body started to move on its own. At first i thought he was controlling me, but then i noticed that it was me who was doing it on my own.

"Sora" I look at him as i see longing and lust in his eyes.

"sasori" before he kissed me again, i started to do some hand signals that i learned that would make us into humans. When he kissed me he could feel the taste of my mouth and touch of my soft lips on his. When he realized that he could feel again he started to look at his hands and at me.

"What did you do?"

"I made you and me into a human"


"That's a secret" With that i stopped him from talking by clashing my lips with his, that he accepted. When the kiss started to heat up, both of us were starting to take each others clothing off. When we finished doing that he started to thrust inside me, at first it hurted, but it soon started to good. When both of us yelled our names at the same time, we both knew that we had reached our limit and laied in the bed and covered our nude bodies with my blanket.

"Sora" I look over at Sasori who only smiled at me and brushed his soft hand on my cheek.

"Yes, sasori"

"I love you" I was about to tell him the same thing, but head started to hurt and memories started to flow through my head. When the memories flashed to Sasori's death the only thing i could was push him off the bed and transform clothing on myself. Sasori on the other hand looked at me confused and wanted an explanation, instead of giving him an explanation i started to do some hand signals and turned both of us into puppet and left after doing so.

Don't mess with me (A Sasori love story) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now