[38 - Bucket Puzzle]

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A/N: ...yeah i'm never doing coloring over lineart again lmfao that shit is hard


"Damn it...I was too fucking slow!" [Name] hit their fist on the wall. "If only I was a bit faster...I could've gotten there in time...!"

"[Name]..." The group looked at them with worried eyes, watching the high-schooler curse themselves silently.

"Tch." Sou clicked his tongue. "If only, whatever. Why are you beating yourself up over something you can't control?"


Mishima put a hand on their shoulder, sighing. "Sou is correct. None of us knew that would happen. You were able to act quickly Mx. [Name], and that was already a big help to Gin. You even caught Mew-san for him, see?"

He gestured to the plush tightly gripped in their arm, making their eyes widen a bit.

"...That's right. I'm sure Gin's grateful to you, so we gotta return the favor by helping him out now." Keiji spoke up, a stern look on his face.

"...Okay." [Name] took in a breath to calm down. "Sorry for overreacting."

"Gotta focus..."

"Perhaps we can find a way out of here, or to at least lift this cage around us..." Alice muttered.

Suddenly, Nao yelled louder from her spot. "If we all think together, we should hit upon something!"

Q-Taro nodded, a bead of sweat rolled down his face. "Please, you guys...! Have some kind of revelation! Anything!"

"Time limit's pretty short! Best of luck with that!" Ranger commented happily.

"Well, I don't think we could just break the walls down." Keiji said, knocking on the transparent wall. "Seems pretty sturdy. Probably thicker than glass or something."

"Um...do you think there's a trick to this box, then...?" Kanna mumbled.

"A trick, hm...?"

Looking around the area, there was no visible signs of change in the box, except for two weird gaps in the floor.

"What's this?" Mishima wondered. "These floor tiles look out of place. Are they removeable?"

After picking the first one out, it revealed a narrow space under the floor tile.

"Hm...it looks like a space to place something in."

Alice squinted. "Is that a box down there?"

"Ah, I can't get my arm down there. It's too narrow."

[Name] turned to the middle-schooler. "Hey Kanna, you should be able to grab it, I think."

"I'll try..." The green-haired girl laid on the ground and stuck her arm out, but sighed. "N-No good...whatever's down there is too far. Sorry..."

Picking up the second floor tile, it revealed a larger space, filled to the top with water.

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