[14 - Suspicious Chat]

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"W-With me?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I wanted to ask you something. Kanna," Sou turned to the girl. "can you head over to Reko and the others for a bit?"

"O-Okay..." The shy girl walked over to them, Reko raising an eyebrow at the beanie-wearing man.

The two decided to go to an empty room to talk, and so they ended up in the mirror room. Sou seemed indifferent overall, but [Name] was anywhere near calm.

"Shit shit fucking shit how do I get out of thisssss????"

"So...[Name]," He started, gazing at the mirror on the wall. "...how do you feel about this whole situation?"

"...How do I feel?" They repeated. "Well, sorta unsettled, I guess."

"Unsettled? Why?"

"I told Keiji this before, but I feel like everything seems a bit...too easy-going. We're narrowly avoiding traps, yes, but everyone's still in high spirits. I have an unsettling feeling of what might happen if their morale disappears."

"I see."

"...What about you, Sou?"

"Me?" He turned around, looking straight at them with a hard gaze. "I guess I feel the same way. We haven't ran into anything terrible just yet...and that's also thanks to you, right?"


"You did show me the Pink Room's message first, after all. Did you assume something bad would've happened if you didn't tell me about it? You could've just told everyone at the same time, y'know."

"I know that, but—"

"But what? There was no reason for you to, unless..." Sou's eyes narrowed. "...you knew something bad would happen, so you tried to prevent it. If you didn't tell me, I would've voted for someone, huh."

[Name] stayed silent, blankly staring back at him.

"That's it, isn't it? You know something about this Death Game, don't you?"

They clicked their tongue. "Oh, please. It's not like you don't know something either, Sou. You're sketchy as hell."

He smirked. "And why would you think that? I have just the same amount of information as everyone else here, with no clue of how I got here. That's what everyone else would think, no? We're all trapped, after all."

Sou took a step closer to them, making [Name] take a few steps backwards as well. Their back hit the door, forcing them to look at him.

"So...what exactly are you hiding, [Name]?" He sneered, stepping forward to trap them between himself and the door.


The two continued to stare each other down silently. Both parties made no move to speak or take action.

"...What am I even supposed to do in this situation?"

[Name] was about to turn the doorknob from behind, but the door surprisingly opened swiftly, making the high-schooler stumble, falling backwards.

"Woah, up you go." A pair of arms was able to catch them before they hit the ground. "...Well, this is an unexpected duo."

They turned around to face the person who caught them. "Keiji?"

"Yup, your friendly policeman here. Just wanted to let you guys know," He stuck a thumb in the direction of the hallway. "the door's now open, so we're gonna check it out. Unless I was interrupting something?"

"...Nah, it's nothing." Sou spoke, stepping forward. He flashed a grin to the two. "Just wanted to have a quick chat. I'll be at the door, then."

He walked off to the hallway, leaving [Name] and Keiji alone.

"What'd he wanna talk to you about?" The blond man asked.

"...Nothing important." They replied.

"...That was the weirdest kabedon I've been through."


The group in front of the newly-opened door consisted of Keiji, Sou, Kanna, Gin, Reko, Nao, Mishima, and [Name].

"Sara's probably with Joe, and Alice is downstairs, if I remember right." [Name] looked around the group. "Dunno where Q-Taro and Kai are though...."

"This isn't everybody, so should we really go now?" Reko asked. "Shouldn't we wait for the rest?"

"Maybe somebody can stay back to wait for everyone else?" Nao suggested.

"It would be best, so as to not leave anyone behind..." Mishima agreed.

Keiji shook his head. "We don't have much time. Hopefully we can just look inside, then call the others as well. For now, let's check this room out."

"Yeah right, we're probably all gonna get knocked out or something."

Hesitantly, everyone headed inside the room. The bright light didn't seem to die down, forcing [Name] to shield their eyes.

"It's so bright...I can't see anything."

"Gh—!" The sound of something hitting the floor echoed through their ears.

"Guys?! What's wro—"

A sharp pain was felt on the back on their neck, immediately causing [Name] to slump and fall to the ground. Their eyes fluttered closed, darkness enveloping them.

A/N: Just a reminder lmao, this is a reader-insert, not a X Reader. [Name] did not favorite anyone when playing the game, and still does not favorite anyone now. They are only trying to survive, similar to Shin. However, they are nicer to people who are nice to them in return and they try to save people. They are still sus of everything tho, lol.

So the kabedon had no sexual tension whatsoever. Apologies to the Shin lovers ٩( )و

Honestly it was a bit for my self-indulgence too lmao, but let's not go over that.

[Name] also refers to Sou as both Sou and Shin in their head. Confusing, I know. They will only refer to OG Sou as Midori.

Okay, that's it, thanks for reading!

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