000. prologue

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Alec dropped his phone, letting out a sigh as it made a clunk, landing on his desk

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Alec dropped his phone, letting out a sigh as it made a clunk, landing on his desk. "Why the long sigh?" Isabelle, who sat nearby, piped up. Alec looked up, facing his younger sister. "Magnus hasn't returned any of my calls.." He admitted.

Isabelle frowned, "Well.. why don't you go to his apartment?" She asked. "I still have quite a bit of work to do." Alec confessed as Izzy sighed. She took a step forward, and placed her hand on Alec's shoulder. "I will take care of it.. go and see Magnus." She said.

Alec gave his sister an awkward smile, "Thank you." He replied. Izzy smiled back, partially smirking, "Of course."

With that, Alec left the institute, heading to Magnus' Brooklyn apartment.


Alec shuffled his feet, waiting for a response after he knocked on the large, black door. The door handle turned, and when the door opened, Magnus happily stood there.

"Alexander." He greeted, but didn't seem to open the door wide enough for Alec to enter the apartment. "Hey Magnus." Alec said, taking a step forward, hoping his boyfriend would step aside and let him inside, but he didn't.

"Can I come in?" He asked, but Magnus seemed nerved by this question. "Actually Alexander, now isn't really a good time.." Magnus confessed as Alec frowned. "Why..." He blurted, before he shook his head. "Can we just talk... Five minutes?" The Lightwood asked. Magnus reluctantly nodded, and stepped aside for Alec to enter.

Now inside the apartment, Alec turned to face Magnus. "Have I.. done something? You've been dodging my calls." He confessed, as Magnus shook his head. "Of course not, I've just been a bit busy." He said, before he took a step closer to his partner, placing his hands on Alec's shoulders.

"Okay.." Alec answered, not sure that he was convinced. "I'm going to go and grab a drink." He decided, before stepping away from Magnus.



Alec frowned, "Why.. are you trying to hide something from me?" He asked, confused. "Just.. take my word for it, you will want to stay out of the kitchen." Magnus insisted.

"Magnus.. whatever is in the kitchen, I'm sure I can handle it." Alec insisted, moving away from his boyfriend and heading to his kitchen, despite the warlock's protests and attempts to stop him.

Alec opened the door, his eyes meeting a woman, who looked to be about 5'7, with long black hair, and piercing yellow cat eyes that were identical to Magnus'.

"Magnus— let me out of here!" She hissed venomously, using her magic to make knives fly towards Alec and Magnus, but they stopped in the doorway and fell to the ground, as there was a magical barrier keeping the girl inside.

Alec's jaw dropped, before he turned to Magnus, awaiting some sort of explanation as he couldn't find any words to speak. "There is somebody you should meet." Magnus finally stated, as there was no other way around this now. Alec shrugged, "Perhaps." He responded.

"Alexander, meet my little sister, Malia." Magnus said, motioning towards the smaller, Bane girl that stood in the kitchen, looking absolutely furious.

"Malia, meet my boyfriend Alexander." Magnus said to her, as her eyes, still filled with rage, darted to Alec. "I would say it's a pleasure to meet you, but nothing about coming back to Earth has been a pleasure so far. I don't think some hot nephilim boy is going to change that." She growled.

Alec blinked in surprise, "She's... nice." He said sarcastically, before giving Magnus a confused look. "Wait.. coming back to Earth?" He blurted, looking back to Malia.

Malia's eyes, now returned to their usual brown colour, looked to Alec. "I'm from Edom. Hell dimension, full of demons? Ever heard of it?" She asked. Alec nodded, "Yeah." He said, swallowing thickly before Magnus used his magic to close the kitchen door on Malia again.

He then turned to Alec, who still seemed surprised by this whole ordeal. "I take it you have had a busy day?" Alec asked. Magnus sighed, "You would not believe.." He laughed awkwardly, though he couldn't help but to feel nervous.

It had been over 100 years since Magnus had last seen Malia, why had Asmodeus suddenly sent her to Earth?

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