002. i'm not leaving you

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Looking into the dungeon, Alec, Izzy and Madi watched as Malia growled at them, trying to use her magic to free herself

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Looking into the dungeon, Alec, Izzy and Madi watched as Malia growled at them, trying to use her magic to free herself. The lift opened, and Magnus and Clary stepped out of it, before joining the Lightwoods.

Suddenly, with anger, Malia began to cause the ground to shake. Everyone tried to stand grounded, and not fall over. Alec instinctively held onto Magnus until the shaking soon subsided.

"You have one crazy sister, Magnus." Madi piped up, relieved the Institute didn't collapse, as Clary shot her a glare. "Malia was acting fine until she was thrown into a cell!" She insisted. "That's true.. but we don't know what she is capable of. She easily released demons into Manhattan— I don't think she should freely walk around the Institute or more so the city, at least yet." Alec admitted.

Clary frowned, before looking to Magnus, hoping he would disagree, but his expression wasn't looking that way. "I... agree." Magnus confessed, as Clary and even Isabelle looked surprised. "I will let her cool down, and then I'll talk to her.... The dear sister I love with all my heart, is still in there.. I know it." He added.

"Tick tock Warlock, it's only a matter of time until the Clave find out about this." Madi insisted as Alec opened his mouth to say something, but didn't as it was true. "Give me a couple hours." Magnus declared.


Clary and the Lightwoods left the dungeon, heading upstairs. Clary was still visibly angry, and Madeline wasn't having it. "Clary, you have to understand that Malia is dangerous." Madi said. Clary faced her, "Maybe she would stop acting so dangerous if you guys would treat her like a person, and not some psycho!" She insisted. "Well.. it's kind of hard when she is acting, y'know psycho." Madi replied as Clary frowned, "She clearly has been through a lot.. and has a lot of trauma that she needs to work through!"

Alec sighed, as Clary and Madi began to bicker. "I should have stayed downstairs with Magnus and Malia." He thought to himself.

Jace approached the group, and suddenly Madi's demeanour changed, as she faced him with a smile. "I'm going to train, do any of you want to spar with me?" He asked. Clary opened her mouth to say yes, but Madi beat her to it. "Happily."

The middle Lightwood held out her arm, and Jace chuckled before he linked his arm through hers, and they left. Clary watched them walk away together and frowned. Alec just looked to her, slightly amused.


Magnus took a seat beside Malia, and the younger warlock looked to him, confused. "I just want to talk." Magnus spoke calmly. "You've had days to talk to me, but instead you locked me in your kitchen." Malia replied, annoyedly. "I tried talking to you, but you kept shutting me out." Magnus insisted, still calm.

Malia fell quiet, as Magnus sighed. He missed the way things were between them, brother and sister who would bicker a lot, but when it came down to it.. they always had eachother's backs. Now, Magnus could barely recognise Malia.. and he knew Asmodeus and Edom played a massive part in it.

"Why did Asmodeus send you here?" Magnus asked. Malia looked up, her eyes flicking to her brother. "I have no idea why our father sent me here. I don't want to be here, but everytime I try to go home it fails. It's like I'm... locked out of Edom." Malia explained, annoyedly.

Magnus frowned, "You don't have to go back.. you can stay here on Earth, with me. But I can't have you going around summoning demons and causing so much chaos." He said. Malia shook her head, "That's all I know.. and honestly I don't understand why you're not doing the same. You're the Prince of Hell, Mags. You should start acting like it." Malia insisted.

Magnus sighed, "Why are you treating Earth like this?" He asked. "Because, this world doesn't want us here. It's done nothing for us, but discriminate.. point out our differences." She began. "And New York is definitely not a nice place. Not only have I been discriminated for my Warlock mark by other Downworlders, but also by Mundanes, for being Asian." Malia stated.

"This world is a beautiful place, I'm sure if you stay a while, I can show you." Magnus said, before he smiled. Malia didn't return the smile.

"I want to get out there, and give Earth what it deserves, or simply go home." Malia declared. Magnus sighed, getting to his feet. "What?" Malia snapped. "I just.. I miss the ways things were Mals... us, side by side. Edom has changed you."

He went to walk towards the exit, as Malia glared. "Well, I was innocent. I'm not a kid anymore." She insisted. "No. But you continue to act like one." Magnus replied. Malia's glare hardened, "Get the fuck out. I can see that you want to leave, so do it." She hissed. Magnus furrowed his eyebrows in frustration before he heard Malia say, in almost a whisper. "I'm used to being unwanted, anyway."

Magnus spun around, noticing the girl's eyes were glassy. "Malia.." He trailed off. "You know.." She reluctantly began. "I never told you, but my mother is dead, When I discovered my magic, I accidentally killed her... and our Dad obviously doesn't want me around anymore, after all he sent me here. You probably just want me to leave Earth, so you can go back to your happy life with your nephilim boyfriend... I don't belong anywhere.. or with anyone."

Magnus listened to these words, and came to the realisation that Malia was so lost. She didn't know how to live in this world anymore, not after spending nearly two centuries ruling Edom with Asmodeus. She didn't have anyone but him now, and as messed up as she had become, Magnus wanted to help her.

The older warlock turned around and walked over to Malia, as she seemed surprised, unaware of what he was going to do. When Magnus approached her, he hugged her. Malia's eyes widened in surprise, before she reluctantly hugged him back. "I'm not leaving you, I promise." Magnus spoke softly, Malia couldn't help now but to let her tears, fall.


After talking to Malia for a while, Magnus exited the dungeon and went upstairs, where he bumped into Isabelle.

"Magnus!" She chirped, as Magnus gave her a weary smile. "Hey Isabelle." He replied. "How is Malia going?" The Lightwood asked. "She is alright, we talked for a while and she just wants some time alone for a bit.." Magnus began to explain as Izzy nodded. "I'm going to help her, she has a lot to work through and.. I can't let her do this alone." He concluded.

Izzy smiled, "You're a good big brother." She said as Magnus smiled back. "I wanted to ask.. if maybe Malia wants to have a sleepover? The search for the Lost book of the White begins early in the morning, giving us time tonight to get to know eachother." Isabelle explained. Magnus looked surprised by this offer. "I think what Malia needs is a friend, and at the moment everybody is treating her like a prisoner." Izzy said, as Magnus nodded, "That.. that would be really sweet Isabelle, thank you."

Isabelle smiled, "Don't thank me, I'm excited to get to know her. She definitely looks like a girl with a story." Izzy confessed. Magnus nodded, "You could say that." He said. "If she does give you any trouble, call me right away. She can be dangerous when provoked.. and no offence but your sister hasn't taken to Malia very well." He added, as Izzy nodded, "I'll make sure to keep Malia away from Madi, don't you worry."

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