027. by the light of dawn

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The past 24 hours had been nothing short of chaotic

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The past 24 hours had been nothing short of chaotic.

Currently, Madeline and Clary were in the Ops centre, glancing at Jace as his eyes were fixated on the Soul Sword. "Jace... Jace no!" Madi quickly called out, before she started rushing towards him.

Jace glanced at the ravenette, with a heartbroken expression before he said, "I love you, Madeline Lightwood." And then he took no time to reach out and clasp his hand around the sword, before yanking it out.

"No!!!" Madi cried out, with all of the air in her lungs, before she fell to her knees. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't tear her eyes away from Jace. A bolt of electricity fired through Jace, making him fall and drop the sword.

"Why didn't that destroy the Sword?" Clary asked, with surprise, but relief that Jace wasn't dead. "I don't know." Simon insisted.

Madi rushed towards Jace and threw her arms around him, but the boy just continued to stare into the distance, wondering how he had done that. The Lightwood pulled away, and cradled Jace's face in her hands. "Jace, are you okay?" She asked, but he couldn't seem to find an answer.

"You're nothing if not predictable, son."

The couple turn around, as they watch Valentine pick up the sword. Meanwhile, the army of seelies, vampires and werewolves rush into the room, prepared to attack.

Valentine raised the sword, and a light ignited before all of the Downworlders within these walls screamed in pain, then they all died.

"Oh, my God." Madi blurted, as she lifted a hand to cover her mouth.

Clary was frozen in shock, before she noticed that Simon was alive. "Simon, you're okay!" She blurted, feeling relieved. "How? Every other Downworlder in here, they're... They're all dead." The Lewis confessed.

"I don't know. I just pray the adamas in the walls contained the blast." Clary replied, before her blood went cold. "Where's Malia?!" She suddenly asked, realising that she hadn't heard from the younger Bane in quite a while.

"Malia wasn't in here, was she?!" The orange haired girl asked, before she looked around frantically. Madeline got back to her feet, before she wiped a tear from her eye. "Malia definitely makes her presence known. I'm certain she wasn't in here." The Lightwood insisted.

Clary nodded, before she turned on her heels and raced away, to find the warlock she loved.

"I don't understand. How did I activate the Sword?" Jace asked, his breathing still unsteady. "Only someone with pure angel blood could have done it.... You don't have demon blood, Jace!" Madeline realised.

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