Chapter XVIII

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  • Dedicated to Zayn Malik

The boys were gathering at Louis' place for an outing. It was more so for Harry to get more confident in himself, the lad was still nervous around the fans. When you're surrounded by screaming fans, mainly teenager girls, things can become rough around the edges. The boys tried to protect Harry, being used to the girls already. 

"Haz, here is your passport and photo identification card." Liam smiled and guided the items into the curly haired lad's hands. He tightly grabbed onto them, feeling the markings on his passport. It was unusually for him because he didn't plan on leaving England at all. Nevertheless, Harry was happy to be traveling and doing something he enjoyed. 

 "Thank you, Li." The curly haired lad slightly smiled and gently placed the items in his backpack. Modest Management was forcing him to use a white cane. He disliked having to use one, the lad preferred to use his hands. The feeling of touch was extremely important to him. He couldn't live without it, even if it was just touching objects. 

However, it was clearly evident that Harry craved Louis' touch. He'd run his fingers up and down the older boy's smooth skin. He couldn't stop himself, it was something his body craved and needed to have. It was difficult to avoid touching him on stage. Harry would do it sometimes, but didn't want the fans to catch on. Nevertheless, the fans started to suspect something from their close moments. 

(Author's Note: A white cane is the long stick used by the visually impaired for guidance.)

After an hour, the boys had arrived at Louis' place, or Harry and Louis' place. The couple was nearly inseparable, but Modest always found a way to pull them apart. Erika didn't feel the lads should be together as Louis was a bad influence on Harry. She stated this each and every time, but the band knew it was false. 

Louis and Niall were in the kitchen, they prepared an assortment of food for everyone. "Lou, I was wondering ... could I take Harry out to breakfast tomorrow? I haven't spent anytime with him and I really miss him." The older lad glanced at Niall, who stared at him with his ocean blue orbs. It didn't convince Louis at all.

"No, Harry can't be running around. He needs to focus on gaining more confidence and be safe. I don't know if you're able enough to do that. You're not the most responsible person! I'd only trust Liam and Zayn with Harry, not you." Louis truly didn't believe Niall was capable of protecting his boyfriend, but it wasn't the only reason for denying him. 

The older lad was jealous of anyone who took away his Harry. He believed Harry would never cheat on him, but still no one could spend alone time with him. "That's bullshit! I'm capable of taking care of Harry, plus, he's an adult, not your child. You're not the most responsible person either! Maybe he shouldn't be with you?!"

Niall's last sentence was what pissed Louis off, he was trying to act kindly to the lad. He knew that's exactly what Harry would do. The curly haired lad was always sweet, kind, and caring. "What did you say? Don't ever speak about me, I could easily destroy you." Niall backed away as Louis threatened him, but they continued to fight.

In the lad's living room, Harry was giggling with Liam and Zayn, who shared an innocent kiss every so often. The couple could easily share a kiss because Harry couldn't see what was happening. "Hazza, why are you smiling? I heard you're getting excited for the concerts." The curly haired lad couldn't help, but smile and nod.

Harry was beyond excited to see all the fans, it made him feel wanted. "Yea- ....." The conversion was interrupted by Louis and Niall's arguing. The lads were yelling at one another and it was becoming intense. Liam pecked Zayn's cheek and ran off to see what was going on. He entered the kitchen and tried to fix this situation. 

"Niall, watch it! Harry doesn't belong to you. He's mine!" Louis yelled and pushed Niall against the wall, earning a whimper from the lad. Liam stepped in between them and attempted to stop the fight. He couldn't have a disagreement within the band, the tour was just about to start. The blonde lad tried to fight back, but Louis wouldn't even let him speak.

"Don't test me, blondie! I'm not allowing Harry to leave my sight! He cannot be with someone like you!" Niall was furious with his friend's words and didn't believe this was happening. He only wished to take Harry out for breakfast, that was only about an hour long. "You're being unreasonable, Lou! I just want to take Harry to breakfast. We won't be gone long."

Niall glanced at Liam, who wasn't too happy about the situation. "Wait! What do you mean someone like me? What are you trying to say?" The older lad didn't respond to the question, it was quite clear what was being said. 

"I'm just like you, Lou! Harry is capable to taking care of himself, but you tend to baby him. He deserves to have his freedom from you! You cannot treat him like a child. Harry lived on the streets for many years, he's more than capable to doing things himself." Louis wasn't happy with Niall's tone and clenched his fist. 

The older lad raised his arm and was able to swing at Niall, until Liam stopped him from doing it. "Louis and Niall, stop it! You're bandmates and friends, there shouldn't be any fighting! Harry shouldn't be hoarded, he's a human being. However, Harry is always going to be need him, but we should allow him to do things on his own." 

Niall and Louis went their separate ways, unable to deal with the situation. The older lad immediately when to the living room, looking for his boyfriend. He found nothing and didn't get too worried because there was note from Zayn on the table. 

"Hey, mate. I took Harry on a walk, he couldn't stand the fighting. I'll return him soon." Louis was upset with Zayn, but trusted him. 


The raven haired lad took Harry to the park, it was quiet and peaceful, the perfect environment. "Hazza, don't listen to them. We're human and we have disagreement, the problem will pass. We will continue as always and Louis will always love you. Remember, you've made friends for life, even after the band is over with."

Harry blushed and tried to hide it, but Zayn could see it. They slowly walked through the park, which remained quiet, the dogs running around could be heard. The curly haired lad was using his white cane to guide himself, actually engaging his environment more. "Louis is going to be mad that I'm gone." He admitted. 

Zayn smiled and kissed his friend's cheek. "Louis will get over it. He's got a soft spot for me and I know he'll forgive me. Plus, I'm only keeping you out for an hour .... that's not long, is it?" Harry nodded and continued walking, using his cane to feel the ground. He could visualize the environment using his cane, it made him more than happy. 

Harry couldn't believe he neglected using this cane before, it was empowering. "I know you're nervous about the tour, I can tell. Don't pay attention to anyone, just sing. You're even more lucky than us, you cannot even see the crowd!" Zayn laughed, but Harry didn't find anything funny. The power of sight was a gift and no one should have it taken away. 

Zayn and Harry walked in silence, then returned to Louis' place. 


Author's Note: This is shorter than most, I wanted to update for you. 

I'll try and update in two weeks. 

This chapter is dedicated to Zayn Malik, no one else. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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