Chapter XV

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The vehicle stopped at Liam's place and Harry attempted to exit on his own, but Lou stopped him. "Harry, wait. I'm going to try and call Louis for you, he shouldn't be doing this to you." The curly haired lad nodded, still shaken up from the previous event. He remained wordless and refused to talk to anyone, but his boyfriend, Louis.

Harry slowly guided himself out of the vehicle and Preston walked him to the building. It was becoming more and more difficult for the lad to move around, Louis was always clouding his thoughts. They walked into Liam's place and the aroma of tea brewing filled the house with a welcoming scent. "I'm in the kitchen, just make yourself at home."

The lad sat down and Preston squeezed his shoulder before leaving. "You be safe and always keep your head. Harry, I know you're a good kid and don't you ever forget that." Liam came into the room with two cups of tea and handed it to the lad. "We need to talk about what happened early. Do you need anything?" 

He wanted to make the blind lad comfortable in his house, Harry seemed tense from all these radical changes. "A b-blanket please, I'm so cold." A blanket was immediately wrapped around lad and it bought warmth to him. Liam continued to talk, but Harry wasn't listening to him. The lad was blocking out everything, except his thoughts about Louis. 

He couldn't seem to separate himself from his perfect boyfriend. Louis was everything he needed and more, to his feathery hair and ocean blue eyes to his compassionate personality. Harry's life was not only saved by his boyfriend, but it was forever changed. It was never going to be normal with the band, fans, and all this fame.

The curly haired lad didn't want that to change. He loved his bandmates and Louis even more, but the rejection was slowly eating away at him. "Harry! Harry! Harry!" Liam snapped his fingers in front of Harry's face and tried to gain his attention, eventually, he was removed from his thoughts. He blushed and leaned into Liam's figure, only to feel big arms enveloping his fragile body. 

"I'm so-rry. I didn't mean to-" He felt an index being pressed against his lips, Liam's finger. "Don't apologize, it's okay. I know it's about Louis, I feel the same way about Zayn all the time. We need to talk about what happened earlier." The blind lad sighed and knew this was coming, he felt it was best to ignore the issue and not discuss it.

"Do we have too?" Liam pulled Harry into his lap and the lad immediately softened into his touch. It reminded him of Louis and all his loving gestures, which were dearly missed. Their hands were intertwined and a gentle squeeze was given, which signalled Harry to start talking when he was ready. 

Liam had no intent on forcing this talk with his friend, it had to be done on his own time. The curly haired grabbed his phone and sent Louis a quick text, knowing he wasn't going to respond, but it was worth a shot. "Hey, Lou. Where are you? I miss you so much, I can't sleep at night without you. Please come back."

"I ..... everything happened so fast, I didn't know what to do. I started crying and looked away from the .... the .... th-"

Harry started to cry from the memory of the moment. He could feel the tightening of the large arms around him, he felt safe in Liam's figure. "It's okay, just breath and take your time." The tears ran down his face and they were quickly wiped away. "You don't need to cry, no one is going to hurt you, Hazza."

After the crying stopped, Harry admired Liam's gentle touch and patience. "The paparazzi stormed us at the store and just attacked me. They kept asking me about rumors about dating o-other women and all. I have never dated anyone, except for Louis. I've always been nervous and clumsy, talking to women is so ....."

He didn't finish his sentence, not being able to find the word to explain his interaction with women. "You shouldn't listen to those people, mate. They aren't going away and I promise you, they don't care about us at all." The blind lad nodded and leaned back against Liam's chest, snuggling close to the lad.

Unsighted (Larry Stylinson AU) - blind!HarryWhere stories live. Discover now