Chapter VIII

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Skyway was preparing for the first concert and it was going to start off their new tour. The concert would be taking place in London which didn't mean anything to the lads. However, Modest Management would be attending, they wanted to observe the newest member of the band; Harry. Erica and other Modest employees would be attending. 

If Harry failed to impress them, Modest would terminate the contact with the sightless lad. The band wasn't going to allow it to happen. Harry has been studying the lyrics to all of the songs. He was practicing them with Josh, it was proving difficult for him. He wasn't going to give up and continued to practice with Josh, until he sounded perfect. 

At the moment, Harry and Josh were wrapping up their practice. "We have covered everything and your going to be fine." said Josh. The curly haired lad was nervous about performing in front of thousands of fans. He didn't have much experience with crowds and being blind only made it worse. 

Harry nodded and walked out of the room. He used the wall to guide himself to the dressing room. While attempting to walk to the dressing room, he bumps into Niall. "I'm sorry." said Harry. He didn't want anyone to take offense from his actions. The Irishman looked at the lad confused because Harry was walking towards the exit. 

"Harry, where are you going?" asked Niall. The curly haired lad looked down and knew he was going the wrong way. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his bandmates. They were his only friends and losing them would crush him. "I was going to the dressing room." said Harry while looking at the ground. 

Niall chuckled and hooked his arm with Harry's. They walked to the dressing room and he placed the curly haired lad in a seat. Everyone was holding their own conversations and ignoring Harry. The Irishman took a seat next to him, Harry rested his head on Niall's shoulder. The curly haired lad and Irishman have grown close to one another and they always spend time together. 

Lou entered the dressing room and started to help the lads prepare for the concert. All of the boys were dressed except for Harry, she picked out an outfit for him. He wore a shirt, skinny jeans, and boots, all of which were black. After Harry was dressed, Erica entered the room and dismissed Lou. She wanted to hold a private conversation with the curly haired lad. 

Erica took a seat and spoke, "Do you remember me? My name is Erica, I am with Modest Management." Harry nodded and grew tense in her presence. It was the same feeling, he got when Robin was around. Usually his family would comfort him, but all he wanted was Louis. "Good. I need to speak to you without the band or staff members. It's about your position in this band and how Modest will be portraying you." said Erica. 

Erica got up from her seat and walked behind Harry. She placed her hands on Harry's shoulders. "Modest wanted to add conditions to your contract. We can't allow you to express yourself in a homosexuality manner. Your sexual attraction to other males is disgusting and unneeded. Do you understand so far? I could go slower, if need be." 

Harry nodded and knew he wasn't going to enjoy Erica's statement. He allowed her to speak and only wished someone would come and save him. "Good. Modest is not allowing you to have a boyfriend at all. However, you may date females and we expect you to do so. We are going to portray you as a player. I will assign women for you to date and it will be done. Understood?" 

Harry sniffled and his eyes were watery. Erica ignored him and continued speaking. "Perfect. Modest orders you to perform your best at every scheduled event. No matter your mood, you must always put on a smile. Is this clear?" The curly haired lad was frightened by Erica's statement, he nodded and she continued. "Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis are valuable and irreplaceable to us. Nonetheless, you are valued with the profits that you bring to Modest. If you fail to bring profits, I will see your contract terminated." 

Unsighted (Larry Stylinson AU) - blind!HarryWhere stories live. Discover now