Chapter X

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Erica is holding a meeting with Skyway and the other crew members, which included Paul, Preston, Charlie and Lou Teasdale. She is going to speak to them about their new member, the upcoming tour and other issues. Modest Management agreed that controlling the lads was the best option for their profits. 

Harry has been  introduced to Charlie, she's his assistant. They had much in common with one another. The sightless lad took joy in speaking with her, but missed Louis. The couple has grown close to each other. There's no Harry without Louis and there's no Louis without Harry. They have spent all of their time together and Modest is becoming worried.

Modest Management reserved a room in the hotel for the meeting. Everyone is taking their seat and waits for Erica to address them. The group has learned to just do as Erica ordered, she could ruin their career. "Listen up! I have a few announcements and then we can leave." It appeared she didn't want to be here at all. She hated being in the presence of Harry, his bisexuality was disgusting to her.

Harry and Louis were sitting next to each other, they could never be separated by each other. "First, I want to welcome our new member; Harry. We've had difficulties, but worked around them to create a friendly environment." Erica forced a smile and moved onto the next subject quickly. She hated meeting the staff members, but business is business. 

Harry blushed and smiled when Erica spoke about him. The staff clapped for him and welcomed him with open arms. They didn't know about his bisexuality and he intended to keep it hidden for now. Louis leaned over and whispered into Harry's ear. "There all clapping for you, Hazzabear. I'm so proud of you and I-" 

The older lad stopped himself from finishing his sentence, instead he pressed his lips to Harry's cheek. He couldn't confess his feeling for the sightless lad, it was too soon. Erica observed them and continued on with the announcements. "We have an upcoming tour and it's focused around the United Kingdom. I will be scheduling more concerts to take place in Eastern Europe, North America, and Australia. Information is on a need to know basis, it will remain private for now.

Paul wasn't delighted about Erica's statement, he needed to be left in the loop. Modest seemed pleased to leave information out of the band's reach. Paul wouldn't be able to contain himself, he needed to speak up. "Shouldn't we have access to this information too?" Erica wasn't pleased when Paul spoke up, usually everyone just listened her. 

"No, you shouldn't! I can't provide information to people who serve under me. You will have to wait because I'm not wasting my time on you." The group was shocked to hear Erica speak down to them. She wouldn't answer to the staff members, it wasn't in her character.

Harry was looking down at the ground the entire time. He couldn't stand Erica's yelling, it reminded him of Robin. He need to remain in a safe and secure environment, which the lads always provided for him. "You look adorable, I can't wait to cuddle in our hotel room." The sightless lad blushed and rested his head on Louis' shoulder. 

Erica noticed their behavior, but continued speaking to the staff members. "Finally, I wanted to address a highly debated topic. Modest and I haven't been honest with the staff members about its' newest member." Everyone looked at Harry and waited for Erica to continue speaking. The sightless lad could feel people looking at him. 

Harry removed his head from Louis' shoulder and started to fidget with his hands. He couldn't stand being called out by someone. Since the abuse, he wasn't an attention seeker and preferred to stay in the shadows. "Mr. Styles, I want you to tell them. If you fail to tell them the truth, I'll have you dismissed from this band."

Harry wasn't expecting that from Erica, but couldn't find the courage to speak up. He searched for Louis' hand and grabbed onto it immediately. He attempted to speak, the task was proving difficult for the sightless lad. "Mr Styles, tell them about your family, life, and dirty secret. Now!" The group was surprised by Erica's attitude, but waited for Harry to speak. 

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