Chapter XII

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In the morning, Louis has wrapped his arm around his lovely boyfriend. The curly haired lad's head is rested on Louis' chest and all is comfortable with the couple. Anne and Gemma haven't left the hotel room, they needed to say goodbye to the lad. However, there was no need for them to worry about Harry because he was in capable hands. 

Anne walked over to her son and gentle shook him. The curly haired lad opened his eyes and the darkness returned, but it was different from all the other times. He felt a light shining on him and his outlook on life was changing. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and spoke in his raspy tone. "Hey mummy." 

Anne and Gemma were surprised that Harry knew exactly who woke him up. He remembered his mother's scent and could immediately tell it was her. Anne sat on the bed next to him and caressed his cheek. "We are returning to Cheshire now, but we need to talk first." She motioned for Gemma to join them on the bed. 

"I want you to admit the truth about Louis." Harry tensed up and was almost unable to form words. "Wh-what about L-l-louis?" He attempted to avoid the subject and ignore his mother's statement. He turned around and looked away from their direction. "Hazza, please speak to us." said Gemma. The lad looked at his sister. 

Tears started to flow out of his eyes, they were wiped away quickly. "Louis is my boyfriend." He admitted quickly and then spoke again. "Please don't hate me! I'm so sorry, please don't hate me." The tears were now falling down his cheeks, Anna and Gemma comforted him right away. They wouldn't allow their beloved Hazza to cry. 

"Harry, we love you and will never judge you." The curly haired lad stopped crying and is hugged by his mother. He couldn't resist her touch, it was warm and gentle. "We just wanted you to admit the truth to us. We knew that Louis was your boyfriend and you have nothing to fear. I gave Louis my cell phone number, so you can call us whenever you want."

The lad smiled and exchanged his goodbyes with his family. It was saddening for his family to leave him. It reminded him of the moment, he was forced to leave his house and live on his own.  Nevertheless, Harry knew that his family was going to come visit him more and they would always be in contact with one another. 

After a while, Louis wakes up and notices Harry immediately. "Hey, Hazza." The blind lad turned around and slowly walked over to his boyfriend. He wasn't aware of the surroundings and it was easy for him to fall. The older lad grabbed Harry's arms and pulled him into the bed. He hopped onto his boyfriend and played with his curls. 

The curly haired lad moaned at his boyfriend's touch and threw his head back in pleasure. Louis sealed their lips in a kiss and deepened the kiss immediately. He started to explore Harry's mouth and his hands slipped under his boyfriend's shirt, which ended the kiss. "Lou, please. I'm not ready for that."

Louis attempted to go further, but Harry stopped him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of pushed you." He helped the blind lad to his feet and they went to sit down at the table. Harry was still saddened by the departure of his mother and sister, but Louis was with him. "Lou, can I hang out with Niall today?"

The older lad watched his boyfriend carefully and grew suspicious. "What's with the sudden interest in Niall?" Harry did not respond at first, he could tell Louis was upset with his question. He never intended to upset his boyfriend. "He's my friend and I wanted to spend time with him. We planned on just watching movies and chatting."

Louis nodded, knowing that Harry was unable to see it. He approached his boyfriend and cupped his face. "You can spend time with Niall. I-" The older lad stopped himself in mid-sentence and tried to get off subject, but the blind lad was not having it. "What were you about to say?" 

"Go and hang out with Niall." Louis guides Harry to the bathroom, so he may get ready for his day. The older lad returned to the bed and sat on it. "I love you. I love you. I love you." Louis repeated to himself, it was too difficult for him to admit it.

Unsighted (Larry Stylinson AU) - blind!HarryWhere stories live. Discover now