Chapter IX

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At Modest Management, Erica was meeting with other employees to speak about Skyway and their newest member. The band has performed well and Modest is pleased with their profits. The company could careless about the band, they only looked at the profits. 

Erica and the employees were seated in a meeting room. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here to discuss the topic of Skyway and Mr. Harry Styles. I don't agree with the choice to allow him into the band, but he is becoming a fan favorite. He is liked by the staff and others, however, there could be more problems in the future." Erica was speaking the truth and allowing her emotions to govern the statement.

She clearly hated the sightless lad, but was not going to speak of it. The employees were going to give their opinions and make a choice that would affect the band. "Are you blind? Styles is going make us rich beyond our projections. The band has gained new fans and is continuing to grow. I can't wait to see our projections in a month. It will have surpassed our results and more!" said a employee. He was enjoyed about the profits coming to them. 

The group nodded and allowed others to speak their mind. A female employee spoke, "I am worried about the health of Harry Styles. We needed to hire him an assistant or guide, I don't want him to harm himself. We must protect our profits and hiring someone to guide him is the best way. Preston isn't going to be able to do everything."

The employees agreed hiring an assistant for the curly haired lad was a great idea. It was going to cost them, but the profits from him would repay them. They continued to debate Harry's problems and they always agreed with each other. The employees only wanted to fill their own pockets with riches. They did not care for physical and emotion states of the band.

Modest needed to pay its' bills and the band was going to help them. Harry's bisexuality was a topic of discussion and everyone had mixed feelings about it. A few employees didn't even agree with it and wanted him removed from the band. However, other employees didn't mind it and couldn't pass up the opportunity to make money. All of the employees agreed that Harry's sexual orientation was to remain hidden to increase the profits of the company.

"Now has anyone notice the closeness of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. It seems to be more then a friendship and I want everyone's honest opinion." said Erica. She doesn't want Louis to have any homosexual attraction to Harry, it would cost them. However, she wasn't going to jump to anything yet.

"Ms. Erica, I have noticed and I feel no need to take action against it. Louis was only assisting Harry because of his blindness. I would order the lads to be observed by our staff and moved onto more pressing matters. If Harry violates his contract, Modest can simply fire him and throw him out on the streets." A few employees were surprised by his statement. They may be greedy, but they aren't heartless. The homeless was a problem and throwing the sightless lad on the street was not a good idea.

They continued to discuss the band, until more pressing matters came to their attention. They finished speaking and Erica ended the meeting with the employees. It was clear, Modest was only out for themselves and would never look out for Skyway. Erica dismissed them and walked back to her office. She was going to have an interview with someone. This individual was looking to work for Modest, but would fit the position of Harry's assistant. 

Erica walked into her office and the woman was already seated in a chair opposite to the desk. "Hello, you must be Charlie Rose Clark?" asked Erica while walking to her desk. She wasn't sure about hiring the individual in front of her. She needed someone to control and keep Harry in line. Modest didn't trust the curly haired lad to follow their conditions. 

The woman nodded which confirmed she was Charlie Rose Clark. Erica started the interview with her and found out additional information. Charlie's family died when she was only a child. Her family died in a house fire and Charlie was the soul survivor. The young woman had noticeable burn marks on her right arm and face. The social welfare system didn't help Charlie, she was in and out of foster care. No one seemed to want to adopt her. Charlie was a victim of bullying in every school she attended. 

Unsighted (Larry Stylinson AU) - blind!HarryWhere stories live. Discover now