Betrayal amongst us (Part 1)

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Okay here we go a part 3

It really seems better in my head than when I write it down

I'm gonna have to keep brainstorming for this story to work because I only know the beginning and end, so when it comes to the middle part my mind just went blank. 

Anyways enjoy this chapter whee(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


"Enjoy your meal and get well soon." The Japanese finally left with the German, leaving the Russian alone in the room. He held his bowl of soup, feeling the warmth and inhaled the delicious aroma of it. He stayed put in that position for as long as he wants, the soup now turning cold as ice. Russia sighed and placed the soup on the table beside him and drank the glass of water. He just didn't felt hungry.

He stood up walking to the window at the side of the bed and sat down on the wooden chair. He opened the window to meet the starry night sky. His blue eyes watched the blanket of scattering stars and adored the bright colour of the full moon that was slowly concealed by misty clouds. The skies, which was once salmon and lavender, turned into dark blue, which was cold but bright. His mouth lifted for a soft smile as his hair flows gently by the wind.

But it didn't last long. Russia sighed, crossing his arms as he closed his eyes.

And memories were coming back to him.

"О, дорогой старший брат.~" (Oh, dear big brother.~) A girl with a red bow clipped in her hair sang in a cheerful tone as she entered the Russian's luxurious room. "Guess who won playing Jenga! Go on, guess who!" She danced and pointed at herself with satisfaction on her face. Russia, who purposely tried to avoid looking at her as he watched a movie, shrugged. "Украина?" (Ukraine?) He looked at Belarus and laughed silently when his younger sister frowned at him.

"Heh, you've underestimated me, big bro, and for that, you shall get what's coming at you! After a minute..." She ran back where she came from and made the Russian curious about what she'll plan this time. He stood up from his couch when he felt the floor suddenly shake. His eyes, surprised when all his twelve siblings stood on his doorstep. And came the thirteen, who laughed mischievously with a hand on her mouth and then pointed at the tall Russian. "Dog Pile on большой брат!!!" (Big bro)

"Да, мэм!" (Yes, ma'am!) They all charged at Russia, who tried to stop them but failed horribly. They all piled up on the Russian, who is suffering by the weight of twelve siblings on top of him and called for a truce while Belarus ignored it and enjoyed watching her brother suffer. Ukraine whose hands are on his hoodie pocket, rolled his eyes at the scene of his siblings dog-piling. "Go down. Папа is calling us to eat." His expression, showing how annoyed he is for doing this every single day. "Tch, you killjoy. You're just mad that I defeated you on Jenga." Belarus uttered and crossed her arms while leaving the room with the rest of her siblings.

"I'll be there in a few," Russia said as he laid on the floor in defeat and chuckled at the thought of why you should not mess with Belarus. 

-Time Skip-

Dinner finished, and so was meeting their dad, who rarely comes home for business trips to go abroad. Russia, being the eldest of the rest of his siblings, accompanied his dad to his vehicle. "Have a safe trip, Папа," Russia sighed opening the car door and looking back at his father. "I will Россия. Now go back and remind the others that curfew is in 9:30." He patted Russia's head and smiled, sat inside the car and left.

Russia stayed there and watched as the black car gets further and further until it was gone. He faced back and saw the Ukrainian sitting on the balcony letting his legs hang and swing back and forth, looking at Russia with disgust. "What's with the long face, Украина?" (Ukraine) The Russian said teasingly as the Ukrainian rolled his eyes while giving him a middle finger.

"You disgust me." The Ukrainian jumped off the balcony and walked away from the Russian. "Look who's talking," Russia, who's not backing down with what Ukraine said. "Oh, will you shut up!" Russia gasped at the statement. "I will not be silenced by a brainless rodent!" The others enjoyed the entertainment the two were giving as they watched and ate some snacks. "This gotta be good," Georgia said as she chugged on her glass of apple juice.

The two were fighting and swearing at each other like wild animals. Belarus was annoyed by the two and stopped them from fighting. "Why do I have to act like the only grown-up around here?" She said, pinching their ears with disappointment. She ordered everyone to go back inside but been cut by Kazakhstan. He shouted while running out of the house with his hands on his head. "RUN! NOW!!" He grabbed Lithuania and Latvia and guided the others as Gunshots continued inside of the house.

Belarus letting go of both her brothers' ear, quickly helped the others getaway. Russia saw a group of men that wore black shades and masks that cover their faces with black trench coats and armed with rifles and shotguns that had a mark of a skull shooting at the sky and laughing hysterically. 'How did they get inside? The security guards would have-' The Russian thought as he saw them bringing the Georgian who is struggling to break free. He didn't hesitate and started running towards them.

Beep* Beep*


The Russian covered his head as he fell to the ground by the loud explosion that destroyed the estate. "Россия!!!" Georgia screamed and cried as she saw her brother lying unconscious. Russia woke up, hearing faint noises of screaming, shouting and gunshots. His head was dizzy, but all he could think of was Georgia getting captured. Russia stood up slowly and started walking, picking up the pace and ran. Belarus counted the rest of her siblings, but only 12 were with her. She started sniffing and kneeled in front of her brothers and sisters with her head down. "I left her... I left Georgia. Big bro, Ukraine.." The Belarusian cried.

Russia sprinted, passing by trees, bushes, and found a trail of extra footsteps. He stopped and hid in the tree as he saw his youngest sister tied up on a tree sobbing all alone. 'Something's not right here. Must be a trap to lure me out.' The Russian thought inspecting the area if there was anyone on sight or hiding like him. "Горизонт чист." (It's clear)

He showed himself to Georgia while placing his finger to his lips to tell her to quiet down. Georgia, relieved by seeing her brother, followed his instructions and kept quiet until Russia untied her. "Okay, now is the time we start to run," Russia said, carrying Georgia at his back and ran to where the house was. He stopped on his tracks and let go of Georgia, who ran and hugged the Belarusian and the rest of their siblings. 

"That makes thirteen. Where's Ukraine?" The Russian searched the area, only finding his blue-yellow hoodie that laid on the ground. He slowly picked it up, and without hesitation, went in the direction at the back of the burning estate in the forest he guesses Ukraine went. Thanks to his dad, who taught Russia how to track or hunt down animals, he could track Ukraine down. "Украина!" He loudly whispered as he tries to find him behind trees with a lack of light.


The Russian positioned himself in the form of defence as he spotted a dark figure surrounding him at a fast speed.

"Come out! I know you're there!" He narrowed his eyes, trying to focus on the dark figure.

"Then try to guess who I am." He grinned.


1344 Words!!! Sorry, it was a bit long but thanks for reading.

Try to guess who the dark figure might be. 

Onwards! To the next chapter!

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