The Dark Fluid

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Chapter 13!

I was supposed to upload this yesterday and early this morning, but I forgot I left a draft here. hEHe. 

Anyways, enjoy!


"Mutter, what are you doing?" Papers filed as missing and successful were scattered on the ground as the German saw his mother grabbing each one of them. "Ah, West. You're awake." Her voice was shaky and soft as tears threatened to fall, but she forced a smile. "Oh, Sohn, do you know where Ost is? I haven't seen him-"

"Mutter! Willkommen zuhause!" (Mother! Welcome home!) East ran towards Reich and gave her a tight hug. "I've been waiting for you, hehe." East giggled, giving his mother a warm welcome. "Ost! Not too tight, mutter is tired," Germany knew how affectionate his brother could be, but his mother didn't look well these past days.

"It's okay, West. I feel fine. Let's take your medications." She let go of the hug and opened one of the drawers. "Catch," She threw the bottle of pills to West, and he caught it. "Ost, here's yours." "Danke!" (Thanks!) West Germany looked at his brother and smiled when he finished drinking his pill.

East always need to take his pills, and everyone they're close with knew that. The doctors always said that he wouldn't last months, but Reich wanted to prove them wrong, so she created the pill that helps him with his sickness. It makes him stronger and healthier, but it would sometimes cause him stinging pain. 

"Be strong, my sons," She placed her hands on their cheeks as they beamed at her. "You don't know what the world is capable of doing."


Her eyes opened wide as she went to look at the window to see masked men holding guns. "M-Mutter?" West looked at his mother, who hurriedly carried East and called on the phone. "West. Wake everyone up and meet me downstairs, go!" "Germania! What's going on?" Italy held the crying Japanese's hands as he went out of their room with China and America.

"I don't know, but mutter said to go-" 'Crash' They covered their ears and ducked their heads on the floor as one of the windows shattered. "We should go, hurry!" They ran in the direction of the stairs as they saw Reich holding East on her left hand and a glass of dark liquid on her right. "West, drink this up. I'll explain this to you later."

"MRS REICH! OPEN UP THE DOOR!" He banged the door and prepared a gun in his hand. "Kids, use the back door. Greece will be there." They ran to the door and opened it wide, revealing guns pointed at their faces. "Polen!" East ran towards the Polish, but Reich held his hands and stepped back. "That's your name, huh?" Poland nodded at the man as he stared at East and West. 

"Tell me, Polen. Which one do you think Mrs Reich gave the vile to?" The man clicked his gun and smiled widely when the Polish pointed at West Germany. "Why don't we make a deal, Mrs Reich? I bring that kid back with me and let you all go freely, or kill you and take everyone for experimentation?" "Over my dead body."

She punched the man in the face, but he didn't flinch or feel anything. "That tickled a bit," He chuckled and clicked the gun, preparing to shoot. Reich had to act fast, so she tried to grab the gun away from him and away from the kids. "Let go, Reich!" The man pulled the gun away as his hands slipped, shooting in the direction of East.

West felt a throbbing pain in his chest as he saw his brother lying lifelessly on the ground. "ドイツ, We need to go! Greece is calling us!" (Germany) He didn't hear her. He couldn't hear her at all. It's as if time stopped as he felt the warm puddle of blood flowing and touching his cold hands. "S-Stay strong, Ost. Y-You can't d-die, not like this.."

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