China's story

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Chapter 10! 

Enjoy! (°◡°)


"Thank you for coming, and have a great day!" The woman waved to the crowd as they packed their things and left the place. She faced the Japanese and everyone else around her and thanked them with jumps of excitement. "We can finally help the nearby orphanage and school, thanks to you guys! Is there anything I can give to return your help?"

"Pretend you didn't see us. Disappearing is quite our thing." America winked at her and flipped his cape, walking dramatically to the bathroom. "That role was made just for him. He even enjoyed looking at his reflection on the mirror on my forehead." China sighed and then took off the mirror and placed it on the table beside him.

Japan giggled and then gave a bag of fruits to the woman as she waved goodbye to the others with her children. "Okay, people! let's start going home-" "Trung Quốc!!!" (China) China got attacked by the back and fell on the ground, feeling something heavy on his back. "Ey, I saw the play, and it was awesome! By the way, are you and Ame dating yet?" The man whispered to China's ear but was shoved away by him.

"越南! One more word from you and you're dead meat!" (Vietnam) China whispered loudly to the Vietnamese as his cheeks were slightly getting pink. "Dude, you've gotta be kinder to him! How will you get him if you're always this cruel?" Vietnam pointed out but suddenly paused when he saw Russia talking to Germany. "Who's that?"

"He's just a friend of ours. Why?" China raised an eyebrow as he looked at the staring Vietnamese. "He looks familiar for some reason. What's his name?" China narrowed his eyes at Vietnam but shrugged it off and told him anyways. "Oh, hi Vietnam!" Japan walked towards the two, making Vietnam snapback from thinking.

"You're done with your shift at the cafe?" "Yeah, it wasn't that busy today, so we got out quite early." He placed his hands on his pockets while observing Russia from a distance but remembered something. "Hey, wanna come to the cafe tomorrow? It would be my treat since there are some discounts on the drinks and food there."

China and Japan looked at each other and then placed their hands on Vietnam's shoulders. "You're such a good friend, Vietnam." "Huh?"

(Time skip)

"I'm exhausted!" America jumped on the couch whilst hugging the pillow he got from it. "We just did a play that lasted one and a half hour, Ame." Germany laughed a little as he took off his shoes and sat on the couch with Russia. "It was unfair that Italy and Russia got the shortest lines." America frowned at the two of them and then faced the Chinese.

"Hey, my magic mirror. You called me a pig before the play, and I command you to take it back." China looked at him and smirked at the American, "Nah, it suits you." "Come on!!!" America tried to kick the Chinese but missed many times until he finally gave up. China looked around the room and then snapped his fingers.

"It's my turn to tell. I was part of the O.S.E... "

"Hey, you little rat! Start working, will you?" A man pushed the Chinese to the ground and walked on him, making China yelp in pain. "Y-yes, sir..." China coughed as he stood up and followed the man to one of the doors, carrying a bag of syringes and blood samples from different patients. "P-Please help me..." The kid sobbed as he pleaded to the Chinese but was ignored by him.

"AAAAAAHHH!" The kid screamed as the fluid from the syringe crushed him inside at a slow pace, making him suffer and feel the excruciating pain. China couldn't help but watch another child die in front of him as the scientist slammed his fists on the table. The child's stomach was now a deep hole of loose skin as if something ate his insides. "It failed again!"

That was experiment 42113, an orphan who lost his parents in a car accident. His name and number were crossed out by the man and was marked as failed like the other hundreds of children they tested. They were working on a new deadly weapon that similar to the so-called project raven. However, the first child who survived and became the weapon was filed as missing or dead, meaning that they have to start again.

China knew these things but was told not to talk about the project or it'll cost his life. "Hey, rat! Call somebody to clear the bed. The corpse bothers me." The scientist sat down on the chair and rubbed the nape of his neck as China nodded and walked away. 'Why does this organization exist? Why are they experimenting on children? Why?' China thought as he walked hurriedly but paused when he passed by the cells.

'The cells. They told me not to go near there, but I don't see any problem.' China looked around and walked towards the cells where he saw the Italian, the Japanese, and others. "Hey-" The Italian glared at the Chinese with his dark green eyes, showing no interest in communicating with him. "Hey you, did they send you here to get our blood samples?" The South Korean spoke up with a raspy voice.

"No. I came here alone..." China looked at the shocked Korean and then went closer to him. "I work here, but I think breaking one rule won't be that bad." Italy leaned in to listen as the Chinese and Korean were talking. "I'll let you out, but you have to keep it down." China gave a short key to South Korea and stood up but was grabbed by the Korean.

"Why are you helping us? We're nothing to you..." China paused and thought deeply, rethinking his decisions if it would be the right thing to do. "I... I'm-" "HEY! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT GOING IN THERE!!!" The scientist ran down the stairs and went to the cells where China was. "S-Sir!" China flinched when the scientist grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the room, where the corpse still was.

"I-I didn't do anything!" China tries to break free, but the man's grip was too strong to open. "No more excuses! Today you'll either join this child or if you're lucky, you live and complete the experiment!" The scientist pushed the dead child off the bed and replaced it with China as he tries to tie him on the bed.

China looked at his surroundings and saw a knife inside the bag beside him. Another man came in and tied his arms on the bed, making China unable to reach the blade or move at all. "This will hurt very much!" The scientist held the syringe and injected the Chinese as he waited for the fluid to kick in. It took a while as nothing had happened to China, making the scientist check on his notebook if there were some corrections. 

 A chuckle came out of China's mouth, a sound that made the man slowly turn back at the grinning Chinese. "Are you scared, sir?" The scientist fell on the ground as China broke out from the rope on his arms and legs. The man grabbed the knife from the bag and pointed it at the Chinese. "I-If you come closer, I-I'll kill you!" He stuttered as China walk towards him and grabbed his collar.                                                       

"I just did," China smirked as he twisted his arm and kicked his stomach, making the man let go of the knife. He clutched the knife and stabbed the man continuously on the back, blood spurting out of the man's body. China grinned and looked at the frightened scientist with a sigh. "Take some notes, sir," He walked up to the man and wiped some blood on his face.

"You shouldn't be scared of the monsters you created from these subjects, but you should be terrified when they are wild and uncontrollable." The scientist scoffed but yelped when China placed the knife near his throat, "Don't think lowly of me because I'm a child. I killed one man, I could still kill another, but I'm feeling quite generous." China dropped the knife and ran out of the door, as he started laughing triumphantly.

'Haha! I've finally escaped!'


Thank you for reading this chapter! 

Anyways, bye! ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

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