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Chapter 6 of the story

Please enjoy ~(˘▾˘~)


Greece whistled while walking back to his car in a happy tone. He used his keys to open the car door and sat inside the driver's seat, placing the seatbelt on him. He inserted the car key on the lock cylinder and twisted it, starting up the vehicle with his right foot on the brake. Greece released his foot and reversed his car, backing out of the area he parked as he drove straight to the road.

"Just keep driving," A man wearing sunglasses and a mask that had the symbol of a skull at the side of it placed a gun on Greece's head. "What if I stopped and called the police?" Greece said, trying to stay calm to keep his eyes on the road.

'click' "You won't be able to make it out alive if you do." Greece scoffed, "Please, you think so poorly of me." He sped up faster and turned right, making the man hit his head hard on the window and dropping his gun. Greece found an area where there were no cars and started fully turning his wheel, making the car spin round and round as the man felt dizzy. Greece suddenly used the brake and made the man hit his head behind the driver's seat.

"And that's why you should always wear your seatbelt!" Greece evilly laughed as he looked at the unconscious man. He brought the man out of his car and emptied his bullets so that he wouldn't harm anyone else. Greece went back to the road and started calling Germany.

"Come on, Germany. Pick up!" He stopped the car as the green light turned yellow then red. A person from the sidewalk stood in front of his car with a wide grin. "Nice weather today, isn't it?" Greece dropped his phone wide-eyed in horror. "It's a great day to torture."

(Next day)

The light of dawn seeped into the Russian's room. He rubbed his blurry eyes and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky. He stretched his arms up but stopped midway as he felt a sting where his wound was. He sighed and left the room, noticing how quiet the whole cottage became. No one was there except for the Russian who just woke up.

"Thank you for coming!" A distant voice was heard outside of the cottage. Curious, Russia opened the main door, seeing few people buying some birdhouses and flowers. America noticed the Russian and called his name. "EY! The first rule on a workday is to rise earlier than other days!" He chopped some wood together with the Italian.

"The second rule is to prepare your things," China assembled the chopped off wood and attached them with a screwdriver. Japan greeted the Russian as she arranged some flowers on a basket. "And the third rule is work." Germany handed out a yellow birdhouse to the old lady in front of him, who exchanged with money.

But that was not all two more rules followed after that. The fourth rule is being paired with a partner and switch location every three hours to earn money faster. The last is to wear some disguises when switching places or when you sell some things near the city. Of course, everyone already had a pair except for Russia and Germany, making the Japanese and Italian fist bump at each other.

"Why don't you go with Snow white over there? He does need help but is too embarrassed to say it." America pointed at the German, who was making the birdhouse without fail. Russia nodded and approached the German, standing beside him. "Ame, you do know that Germany was the one who taught us how to build a birdhouse, right?" China looked at the American in confusion. "I know. But where else to learn how to build one, other than a professional?" America shrugged.

Germany noticed Russia standing beside him and offered him a seat. "What do you need help with?" Germany asked as he started painting the roof of the birdhouse. "I was about to ask you the same question," Russia said, glancing at the German. Germany looked at Russia and smiled. "Okay, then. Help me attach those pieces in front of you together while I help that customer." He handed some screws to the Russian as he left the table.

"Yes, Ma'am? Do you need anything?" Germany asked the woman. "I'd like to see your finest paintings." She smiled and followed the German, where Italy was. After assisting the customer, Germany looked at the Russian, who was having a hard time assembling the pieces. He laughed a little at how frustrated the Russian seemed and went back to him. "So, who needs the help now?" Germany smirked at Russia as he sat in front of him.

"...Me," Russia said in defeat but was surprised when the German touched his hands with his to hold the pieces together. "You have to hold it like this," Germany demonstrated how to make the birdhouse step by step, and Russia listened while looking at Germany from time to time. "Done. You can paint the house in any colour you want, but make it presentable." Russia nodded.

A few hours passed by, making everyone change places, either going near the city or going further where the village is. Russia went with Germany to a small park with children playing and laughing with their parents. Russia and Germany stayed at the stall there whilst arranging the things they brought.

They wore the same clothes with white and blue strips on their shirts and white caps on their heads. Their faces covered by Groucho glasses, making the kids giggle at them. "Russia, do you know why I want to sell things here?" Germany asked, smiling at the happy scene in front of them. Russia shook his head as a response to the German's question.

"The view of the lake and the families and children that enjoy themselves together here. It's a nice thing to see." He said reminiscently as if he repeatedly watched them like they were a scene from a movie. "The screaming and crying isn't a nice thing to hear. It hurts my ears." Russia sighed as the German laughed, giving a slight blush on the Russian's cheeks.

A kid approached the two cheerfully, bringing her mother with her. They bought some flowers and a handmade bracelet with the colours of blue and pink that Japan made. The child held hands with her mother as she waved at the two, making the two waved back. As time flies, people come and go, buying things from the small stall or just enjoying the peaceful view. Germany and Russia talked in their free time and watched the people like watching a movie that repeats itself until it reached its time.

"It's been more than three hours already. Let's change location," Germany said as he started keeping different items in their perspective boxes, and so did the Russian. The whole day had gone by as the setting sun stretches its fiery hands in the sky, making a grand exit for the world to see as it reminds them to hurry home with its lovely glow.

China and America were shuffling steps that scuffed the floor while carrying their boxes as they arrived at the cottage later than usual. "Today was exhausting. I want to eat some burger with bacon, eggs, tomatoes, beef, cheese on the insides and some fries on the right side of it for dinner tonight." America drooled at his delicious imagination but was slapped playfully by the Chinese.

"Not healthy. I think good steamed dumplings and a bowl of hot and aromatic chicken soup with dates-" China's stomach rumbled loud enough for the both of them to hear. "You know what? Let's eat what's on the table." They both laughed and entered the cottage, pausing when they saw the Italian sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper.

"Welcome home, you two. Japan's doing the cooking for tonight." Italy smiled at the two as they dropped their boxes carefully on the floor and stood still. "The last one to the kitchen gets to do the laundry!" China prepared his running position. "You're on!" America rushed to the kitchen together with China but failed by a slip to the floor. Japan laughed at the red-faced American who pouted at the teasing Chinese.

Then it was dinner time.


1407 Words! That's a lot of words compared to my essays in school when I have to write 100 words minimum and 500 maximum.

But School's out so hopefully, I'll get to focus on this book.

Thanks for reading this chapter!

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