An Argument

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Chapter 16!

Some angry parts hehe- I'm not really good at making these, but I'll try my best to do it :')


Germany sat down on the couch in the living room, staring blankly into space until he heard the Russian coming in from the outside. They both stared at each other as anger almost piqued out of the German, only to be bottled up again when he inhaled to calm himself down. Russia sat down in front of him, trying to start the conversation as the others leaned in the door to listen.

"What do you think he'll say?" America questioned whilst placing his ears to the door, his eyes looking at the Chinese who did the same. "Probably question if we did something wrong," China shrugged and closed his eyes as he prepared to eavesdrop on their conversation. "Okay, they're talking. Quiet everyone!" He whispered loudly.

It took a while for China and America to hear the conversation since they were so far away. "Hey, you hear anything? I don't want to miss out on some juicy details." "No Ame, not ye-"


"Why on earth would you believe him?! He's the reason why I almost died that day!" Germany's brow raised. "He could also be the reason why you went here. No one can find a cottage located in a specific area in the woods without help. That's why we weren't found by the organization all these years. Sure, you did lose a lot of blood, but to think he planned this all out and let you live for a reason."

"Let me live for a reason?" Russia scoffed and sat down on the couch, "Most of his life he spent practising on how to be my father's favourite son. He hated me, always started fights with me, and he even had the guts to threaten me. Why would he miss the opportunity to kill me for a reason? I only got away because he was a terrible shooter."

"That's why he didn't let anyone else kill you. He did it himself, and you're alive. If he let somebody else do it for him, you'd die. And since he had your family in the line, you had to do what he instructs you to. Like a puppet controlled by a puppeteer."

Russia couldn't say anything. No words would come out of his mouth, but the thought of Germany believing Ukraine angered him. And whenever someone gets angry, they would say things they never meant to say and do things they never want to do. "Fine. You think that I'm a spy because of my brother. Greece got captured, and your dead mother is back alive? Maybe you only believed him because you were too scared of moving on from your mother's death."

Germany clenched his fist and glared at the Russian, who crossed his arms and stared at the German emotionlessly. Not caring one bit what words would come out from his mouth as long as he wins the fight. "You know, maybe my brother was right. Maybe I did try to free my family and risk your lives for them. When the O.S.E. receives you all, I don't care if they killed millions. None of them would mean anything to me anyway besides my family."

Germany stood up from the couch and went towards the Russian. "You are so selfish." "Says the guy who believed his dead mother is still alive because a single guy you haven't met in your life told you so and suspecting me of being one of those people without clear evidence." Russia raised a brow to the German, who stared at him and sighed, signalling a close defeat.

But Russia didn't want to end it so early. He felt kind of proud when he saw the German realising his mistake. A bit too proud. "If only you could have seen her die in front of you, just like your brother, you would have avoided this-" Germany slapped the Russian in the face, making him snap back from his uncontrolled emotion. Russia heard a ringing noise in his ears, his vision getting blurry, and his face feeling hot.

"Take that back." The door suddenly burst open, Japan and Italy grabbing Germany's arms so that he wouldn't do any more like that but struggle to do so because of his wings. "Take that back! Russland!" Germany started shouting at him while his hand kept shaking from the slap. Deep down, he never meant to slap Russia, but what the Russian said was too much for him to ignore.

America and China stood there behind the four of them, looking at the Russian who was in shock. Gia could only whimper as Poland watched the scene in front of him. "ドイツ, that's enough. Please, stop." Japan hugged his arm tightly as the German slowly stopped resisting their hold, shivering and sobbing. 

"Why..." Germany's legs gave up, making the Italian and Japanese let go of his arms whilst his knees fell to the ground, and he sat on his feet, looking down at his shivering hands. "Why would you... say that..?" He stuttered softly. "Seen her die in front of my brother..? How could you.." Anger suddenly returned to the German, making the Raven try to stop him.

'Kid, I know you didn't mean to hit him, but to prevent anything else from happening, I think it's best to make some changes.' 'what do you-' 'Trust me on this, it's for the best for both of you.'

Russia didn't respond. The German's words were inaudible to him because of the ringing in his ears. But his words echoed in his head as he realised what he said to Germany, which gave him a sense of guilt. He didn't mean it. He didn't mean to say that to him. The ringing finally stopped while the pain in his cheek didn't, but Russia didn't care much about it at all.

"Germany, I'm sorry... I wasn't on my right mind-" "Leave." "...What?" Germany wiped his tears and looked at the Russian. Anger and sadness mixed up together in the German's eyes. "Please, leave... It's the least you could do." "But I-" Germany stood up and gave his hand out to the Russian, smiling at him. "Thanks for everything. Goodbye, Russland." 

Russia stood up and shook his hand, looking at the German's dull eyes. "Bye, Германия." He walked out of the room and saw the Polish with Gia outside walking towards him. "You can't go away without saying goodbye to Gia. She'll go sad and lazy if you don't." Russia nodded and rubbed on Gia's head, parting ways after. "You know, Gia. Whoever that man was, he made Niemcy look so happy. Just like when we were kids those years ago. But now that he's gone, Niemcy would go back to his normal state. Lifeless."


"How are you sure that is gonna work?" "It already did. Besides, if you need the Raven to open those experiments in the lab, you have to remove the biggest obstacle. Russia. If you don't, then getting that German would take a long time." Ukraine smirked while playing with his pocket knife, throwing it up and catching it back without looking.

The man nodded and grabbed a document under his desk, entitled project raven. He stared at it for a while and then raised a brow to the Ukrainian. "How exactly is your brother a threat to this project? He's not as destructive as the Italian. Nor fast like the Chinese." "He may not look like a walking bomb, but he is a person who could turn his eyes as cold as the Siberian winter. Frozen and Deadly. I've seen him once in that state, and trust me, nobody survived."

"Impressive. Was he experimented before?" The man stared at the Ukrainian, seeing that he started sweating. "нет. He was born that way. That's why he was always favoured by my father. My mother wanted him to live a peaceful and normal life like my siblings. That's why family became important in his life. I used to be scared of him, but now, I think I am on the same level as he is."

"I would like to see him in action, but the important thing right now is this project." He handed Ukraine the document, whose eyes widened when he read it and looked at the man. "Your assistant is the German's mother? Why would she-" "She's not in her right mind because of the mind control vile we used on her after she recovered from the wound on her stomach. And since she's the only living family member of the German, we'll use her as bait to lure and capture him." 

The man leaned his back on his chair, looking at his ceiling. "After all those years we've been searching for them, the time has finally come. I'm finally finishing what my father started long ago. He'll be so proud of me." The man chuckled and excused the Ukrainian as he turned his chair and faced the glass window, looking at the crates that have been unloaded from trucks.

"Before, we've come to you. Now, we'll be waiting for you to come to us."


1538 words!!

Thanks for reading!

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