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Chapter 15!


"Send me the Ukrainian," The man circled his desk full of papers, getting one of the documents whilst leaning on the edge of the table. "He left earlier than his usual time. He could be at that cafe again." The woman crossed her arms and stared at the man. "Again? The cafe opens at 9:00 AM today. What's the hurry?" "How do you know the exact time it opens, sir? The young man at the cafe usually has a different schedule for each day." She raised her brow and narrowed her eyes at the man.

"Let's say I have been observing-" "You're jealous, aren't you?" She interrupted him as he placed the document back on the table, smirking at her. "And what if I am? He does seem interesting," He closed his eyes and smiled while standing up, heading towards the door where the woman was. "I'll be going out now. Observe everything while I'm gone." She nodded as he opened the door and went out, making the woman's smile fade away when she saw his desk.

The woman opened the desk, searching for something that could unlock one of the rooms. "Hm? What's this?" She held a card that had a raven sign on it, just like his mask. "If there's this sign, it's important." The woman hid it in her pocket as she left the room, going in the opposite direction the man went.

Cameras were looking at her since she was entering a place where no one should be. She looked back, revealing her face, which made the cameras turn back to their position. The card got scanned that made the door open, a door to Greece's room. "I've told you enough already-" His eyes widened as he saw the woman walking towards him. "R-Reich?" "Long time no see Greece. How are the kids?"


Ukraine sat down on a bench outside of the Canadian's store, petting a cat that happened to join him in his solitude. "Ким ти можеш бути?" (Who might you be?) "Meow." The cat purred and stretched its arms before lying down beside the Ukrainian. "I see you've met Clover. She's more of a social cat than her siblings." Ukraine flinched. He saw the Canadian in front of him, smiling with innocence.

"O-Oh. Is it yours?" Canada shook his head as he patted the cat's head, making Ukraine give a sour expression to the cat. "She's not mine, sadly." "That's good!" Canada looked at the Ukrainian, who coughed and cleared his throat. "That's good because she might have an owner, or she just wants to be free." The Canadian laughed, which made Ukraine blush intensely. "You're cute." "I-I'm not! Just open up your cafe!" "Right, sorry..."

After a while of opening the entrance door of the cafe, Canada excused himself to use the backdoor, which was for staff only. Ukraine looked around and spotted a white feather near the restrooms. "Uhm, Ukraine, right?" "Yes," He placed the feather on his bag and walked towards one of the seats on the counter, looking at the Canadian who took his order.

"Canada! I'm not late like last time, right?" The Vietnamese rushed into the cafe, looking like he was chased and attacked by an animal. "No, you're quite early. Did something happen?" Canada observed the Vietnamese's messy hair, crumpled clothes and tired face. "Yes, something did happen! You know what, I was supposed to- Oh, a customer." Ukraine raised a brow at Vietnam, who chuckled awkwardly and went directly to the staff room.  

"Here's your espresso," Canada smiled while giving the drink to the Ukrainian. The Canadian glanced at the glass filled door, nothing but his one and only big brother. "Yo, Nada!" America opened the door widely, a grin on his face. "I know that I'm supposed to only come in the evening, but you couldn't believe what happened last night!" America wanted to continue, but the feeling of a stranger listening and looking at him made him stopped.

"Ame, you could tell me tonight. In the meantime, do you want anything to eat or drink?" "Nah, I just ate. But the drinks would be the usual." Ukraine studied the American's moves, seeing all the possible ways he might attack him. America felt the intense staring beside him as he finally got his drink. "I'll be on my way then. Bye, bro." He stood up, leaving the cafe. Ukraine couldn't miss this chance. He could finally know where they live and find his brother, Russia.

"Ukraine?" "Here's the money. Keep the change." He ran and followed the American, making sure he wouldn't be seen while doing so. After a while of following America, Ukraine spotted a reddish-brown cottage lying in the woods. He saw the Chinese and American talking and decided to take a picture before leaving until he saw the German and Russian walking out of the door. 'Bingo.'

"Hey, Ame. Why did you leave earlier than usual?" Germany yawned and stretched his arms as America gave him the drink he ordered. "Well, I wanted to give you guys this!" "Something's not right here. First, That's not Germany's favourite drink, and secondly, You're not always this nice." China raised a brow and crossed his arms, observing the American's behaviour. "China, China, China. I can be nice whenever I want or don't want to." 

"Gia!! Come back!!" Japan's voice and Gia's bark could be heard around the corner, making the others check on them. "What's wrong?" America looked at the Japanese and Italian catching their breaths and holding treats in their hands. "Gia, she...she's chasing after Poland. Treats won't distract her anymore," Italy sat down on the ground and placed his head on the wall. Germany turned around and stared at the American. A light smirk graced his lips.

"Treats won't, but Ame will." America gave a nervous chuckle and stepped back, preparing to run from them. "Y-You know what happened to me the last time I was used as bait. Besides, there must be other ideas you can come up with, r-right?" Germany shook his head, making the American escape for dear life, but China grabbed his arm and pulled him towards Italy and Japan. "Where did Gia went?" "We'll come with, Here, this way."

Russia looked at the German, who seemed to have gone in the opposite direction. "Germany, you coming?" "Ja, I will. You should go ahead. I'll catch up." Russia nodded and followed the others, making Germany's smile fade instantly as his eyes stared at the Ukrainian peaking behind a tree. He knew how his senses worked since Poland helped him last night, but flying still needed some time to progress.

"I know you're there. Come out." Ukraine slowly stood up, placing his hands in his pocket where his phone and knife was. He went out of his hiding place and stared at the German. "I see I got spotted. Hello there, Germany," The German stepped back as the Ukrainian walked closer to him. His vile smirk made Germany confused.

"Have we met before?" "Nope, but you've met my brother, Russia." Germany's eyes widened. The man standing in front of him was one of Russia's brother? If it was, then could it be that Russia sent him here? "Well, you've probably known a lot about Project Raven by now." That sentence made Germany snapped and glared at him while Ukraine just cackled softly, loud enough for the German to hear.

"Hey, calm down. I'm not here trying to start a fight, not yet, at least. I'm here to give some hints." He circled the German like a vulture eyeing its prey. Germany shouldn't let his guard down, especially since Ukraine knew about the project. "First hint. Greece never left to do business abroad. He only told you guys so because he was a coward to tell you the real truth. It's to escape from you. The person who made O.S.E targeted and tortured him was you." "I-"

"Second hint. Russia came here on purpose. He needed to achieve that one mission which was to complete your stages. He had to do it for his family. You can't blame him. One thing for sure, Russia never really cared about you and your friends." "Just stop.." Ukraine saw the others coming back and then whispered to the German. "Last hint. If you come to O.S.E. alone, with nobody else, you could see your mother again."

Germany froze. What did he mean by that? Germany's mother was dead years ago. It could be a trap. Then again, Russia did wanted him to fly. And Greece would have called by now, saying he'll be back soon. "Germany! We finally caught Gia!" Japan giggled and waved her hands at the German, her head tilting slightly. Germany didn't respond nor face to look at her. 

"...Germany?" Russia walked towards the German and looked him in the eye. "Are you alright?" He tapped the German's shoulder, which made Germany flinch and move his hand away. "Sorry, Russia. But please leave me alone." Russia held Germany's hand, "Did I do something wrong?" Germany looked away and removed Russian's hand from his. "Leave me alone, Russia." He went inside the cottage, leaving the others to question if they did something that made the German acted in such a way, especially Russia.


 1552 words!

thnx for reading! :D

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