Betrayal amongst us (Part 2)

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Okay, so here is part 2 of the last chapter and let's see how this goes.

SCREEEEEEEE!!! Let's begin!!


"Then try to guess who I am." A smile graced his lips under his mask, making the Russian shudder even though he couldn't see it. Russia didn't respond as he noticed the figure coming closer and closer to him with a clicking sound on his hand. It was dim, but the bright moon exposed by the moving clouds provided some light to the forest, revealing the man's body and a shotgun in his hand.

Unlike the others, he wore a black leathered jacket with red stripes on his sleeves and a mask and a black cap that had a similar mark to the gun he was holding, a raven. 'This one has a different mark. He might be stronger than the other men.' Russia thought as he clenched his fist tightly, staring at the man with narrowed eyes. 

The man chuckled, shaking his head, "You are just what he described. But let's get straight to the point." He looked to his right, extending his hand, holding the gun and expecting someone to come out and grab it.

"It's time.~" The man grinned under his mask and look at the Russian who was shocked as a person came out, wearing a white t-shirt and a black mask. "Украина...?" (Ukraine) Russia stepped back, unable to process why Ukraine was with the gang. Ukraine didn't respond as he grabbed the gun and pointed at the bewildered Russian, who only shot sadness at the Ukrainian. Ukraine began to hesitate but shook his head and focused on his brother.

"Русь, run and don't come back. Він мертвий..." (He's dead) Ukraine said to his brother emotionlessly. The Russian tried to ignore Ukraine as he faces the ground, getting his grip together. "Тато помер" (Dad is dead

Russia looked at Ukraine, his body had gotten numb and weak as his brother's words kept repeating in his head. "Ты врешь..."(You're lying) The Russian's voice quivered as his eyes were starting to get teary. Ukraine didn't respond, preparing his finger to shoot at the Russian since he is now vulnerable. "You've got five seconds to run." He warned.

"Один" (One)

Russia stepped backwards as he took one last glance at Ukraine and the man.

"Два" (Two)

He turned around and walked faster.

"Три" (Three)

His tears, rolling down his cheeks.

"Чотири" (Four)

'What went wrong?' Russia thought as he ran and ran.

"П'ять" (Five)

'What went wrong?!'


He was shot twice as he lost his balance and rolled down, hitting on something.

Russia just felt numb. His whole body was trembling and found himself on the tree trunk as he looked up at the moon to see its beauty one last time. "What a waste of a beautiful night." He scoffed and closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his red cheeks.

"Did you aim for the head?" The dark figure questioned as the gun was handed back to him. "I did, but it was too dim for me to see, plus he was quite far too." He cleared his throat, waiting for the man to respond sharply at him. The man started laughing and patted Ukraine's back, "You did great for your first time, yeah?" Ukraine was relieved that the man was not mad at him and smiled as they both parted ways.

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