He'll stay

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Chapter 5. I had so many mixed feelings about this.

And so many erasures, especially the title. 

Anyways, enjoy this chapter! :'D


A small red vehicle parked in a small area and came out a man wearing a wreath crown on his head and a blue shirt with white rip jeans carrying a phone in his hand. Followed by his dog, they went into a small trail in the woods, leading to the German's cottage. He decided to walk faster and knock on the door loudly.

"It's him. he's here." China approached the main door and opened it to see the man with a leash on his dog. China gasped as the man released the dog from its leash and jumped at the Chinese. "Gia!! 你回来了!" (You came back) The german shepherd licked his face as China laughed at the tickling sensation. America backed away and hid behind Italy's back, preventing the dog from looking at him.

The man chuckled and looked at the tall and intimidating Russian. "Do you need anything, Greece?" Germany stood up from the couch and placed his cup of coffee on the table. "Well, ναι. Who's that guy?" (yeah) He asked while pointing at the serious Russian. "He's-" Germany paused, looking at Japan and Italy and then facing back to the Greek and sighed, "He's my boyfriend."

The Greek felt speechless, making everyone around him feel nervous or anxious. They were expecting him to react negatively, but instead, he hugged the German and smiled in relief. "I always knew this day would come, and it did. You've finally grown up." Germany didn't like where this was heading but decides to go with the flow. Greece pulled out of the hug first.

"Okay, you've gotta tell me the whole story. How you met, who asked first to be your lover, when did you had your first kiss-" "We can talk about that later. What do you need?" America interrupted, still hiding behind Italy. "Oh, right. Firstly, I have to inspect the whole cottage, as usual. Secondly, I have bad news." His voice became serious when he said the last part. China sat down with Gia while petting its head, listening to what Greece had to say.

"Remember when I said business was booming at the restaurant?" Everyone nodded except Russia, who just listened and sat beside the German. "Turns out, the people who ate there were not just some regular customers but were employees and interns from the O.S.E." Greece showed photos of people wearing red wristbands and different colours of masks. "I overheard them talking about project raven. They're redoing it again." The word project raven alone is dangerous news to everyone.

Germany was trembling, with flashbacks that entered his mind as he squeezed his hands tightly but was comforted by the Russian, making him calm down a bit. 'O.S.E. Why does that sound so familiar?' Russia thought. He looked at Japan, who was grinning at him, as the Russian comforted the German. Italy sighed while standing up and walking away, making the American visible to the german shepherd.

Gia started growling, breaking the silence and prepared an attack stance as America gulped. "G-good boy?" "Ame, no! It's a she!" China tried to stop Gia but was too slow. "Shit-" The American started running, expecting the dog to start biting his leg but stopped when he saw no sign of Gia. He slowly went back to the living room to see Gia sitting on the floor and wagging her tail in front of Germany.

Greece forgot to mention that the german shepherd will be staying at the cottage for a while since he had to go business abroad, making the American want to bury his own grave. "ah, I forgot to ask you, What's your name?" He placed his hands out, shaking hands with the Russian. "Russia. A pleasure to meet you." Greece smirked at the German, giving Germany his approval. He then went to start inspecting the whole cottage. 

(Time skip)

"Okay, I checked every edge and corner and not a single spy camera. I'll head out now, so please be careful and watch your backs." He waved at them and Gia but then paused and looked back at Germany and Russia. "You know what? You two should stay together here, I won't increase the rent or anything, but you should promise me you won't leave Γερμανία's side. Okay?" (Germany) Greece smiled and left.

Japan screeched, and they can tell she read or watched too many bl books and movies. "Kyaahhhh!! It's one of the best days of my life!!!" She hugged the German tightly and then raised her hand in the air. 

"Raise your hands if you want Russia to stay!" "If it stops you from screeching right now, I'll raise my hand," America said, covering his ears. "Deal!" Japan shook her hands with the American. "Yea, since he knows a lot already." China raised his hand, looking at the Russian.

Italy raised his hand as he came out of the Kitchen, a juice box on his other, "If he'll be helpful on the workday." "No one's missing workday," Japan reassured. Then they all faced the German who's patting on Gia's head. Russia shook his head and placed Japan's hand down. "It's fine. I'll be-" "staying." Germany sighed and then looked at Russia. "You'll be staying."

"Don't worry, Russia," Japan patted on the Russian's back, "Once you get to know about Snow White, he'll be someone who'll always look out for you" "And risk his life for you," Italy followed. "And who'll make you worry all the time," China added. "Or he'll scold you of how annoying you can be because you used most of our savings on buying useless things, and FYI, not all my things are useless." America crossed his arms and looked away.

"Yes, Ame. Not all, but most of them are useless." The German spoke. "You see what I have to deal with, here? He's like a mom!" America gestured his hands to Germany, making the German laugh a little at his childish expression. 

"Guys, it's lunchtime. Come on." Italy called them as they kept talking and went where the dining room was. Russia didn't follow but was being called by Germany. "Since you'll be staying here for a while, everyone has to eat at the dinner table. It's a must." The German smiled. Russia nodded and entered the room with the German. 


1076 words.

I don't feel proud of my work, but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

Unto the next chapter.

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