Naruto P.o.vAnd there went Sasuke; throwing another knife, saving another day, making naruto as jealus as one can get.
He watched in awe, an annoyed squirrl leaving his mouth when Sakura ran past him to fangirl on Sasuke. He didn't even appreciate the attention.
kakashi sensei appeared out of no where "I have a new assignment I'm sure you'll all love" he said, not too exited "we're travelling for this one"
Naruto couldn't help but say a little 'yes!' Under his breath. He loved getting out of the village from time to time and this assignment was bound to be interesting!
"Where, where?!" He jumped, determined and ready for action.
"The cloud island. We're leaving tomorrow morning, don't be late"
Naruto's eyes widened and he left at once, running home to pack his bags.
———magic time skip because I like to get to the point ———
"Woowwww" Naruto sighed when they got out of the boat. "So what is our mission?"
"We have to find information on someone, follow them around, gather information."
Naruto puffed "aw man! I thought we were finally going to have some fun"
"Shut up Naruto" Sakura nagged "You have to take all assignments seriously! Besides, you can't even do the simple ones right!"
Naruto scoffed at that, but looking around the new mysterious land he decided he might as well use this shitty assignment to explore this new place.
"Our first stop is the house of our employer, he was kind enough to let us stay at his house for the time being" Kakashi said, taking a map from his pocket and leading the way.
The island was nothing special, Naruto reckoned the architecture was very much like in the hidden leaf village. He didnt understand why it was called the cloud island, the sky was beautifully blue after all.
Naruto felt a strong pull in his arms to the side. He looked around and saw a fast car speed right pass him. Sasuke had saved him and he wasn't a fan of that. He also wasn't a fan of how close they were standing.
"Hey! I could've gotten myself out of the way Sasuke!"
"Well you didn't" He shrugged with a hint of disdain and taunt
Uhhhhggggg, Naruto thought, raising his knuckles, ready for a fight.
"Just stop it Naruto!" Sakura braked in "you're so childish! Just move on! Come on this way!" She shouted, pointing to the direction Kakashi was walking in, unbothered.
After a while of bickering back and forth, they finally arrived to a small house.
The house was painted red, standing out from the rest of the neighbourhood, and judging from the outside it didn't seem to have much room. How were they all going to fit?
Kakashi knocked on the door and was quickly greeted by a young, serious looking, tall man.
"You must be the ninjas I hired. Come in come in! We can't have the neighbours suspecting of anything" he rushed them in.
The man seemed to be living alone. He gathered them all in the small living room and started explaining.
"My long time enemy is up to something, I know it... I need you guys to follow him, discover what he's up to and stop him!"
"Did he really need us all here for that..." Sasuke mumbled under his breath.
Ignoring sasuke's remark, the man went on "I used to live here with my family but they moved away, therefore there are three vacant rooms, I wasn't expecting... I should've really done my research, I should've known that the ninja teams are 3 ninjas and one instructor"
But Naruto didn't do the math, so he just got up and interrupted with questions about the suspect, unready for what was going to hit him when the night came...

Because I care // SasuNaru
FanfictionCOMPLETED Naruto and sasuke basically don't like each other. But when their new assignment makes them travel further than ever before, gay panic hunts them all day and night. The universe keeps smashing them together and they can't help but start t...