20. Helpful but mysterious dude

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Naruto p.o.v

At first Naruto didn't quite register what was happening. Sasuke's lips were hypnotizing like that...

Both Sasuke and Naruto got away from each other in a jump, and alternated between looking at each other  and looking at Kakashi, who didn't seem to know what to say either.

"Do you have them Kakashi?" Sakura shouted from downstairs "Do you want some help waking up those lazy asses?"

"Ai no! Don't come up!" Kakashi yelled back "they're both awake already! Definitely awake...." He closed the door behind him.

"Do you guys want to tell me about what was happening here?" He asked, looking at them like he very much knew the answer but wanted them to say it.

"We were..............................................." they both hummed in union, playing with their own hands.

"Ok you guys were eating each other's faces off, that's not what I meant to ask. Just: what. the. hell."

"Well, when we were alone at the castle, and then at home-"

"So leaving you two alone was all it took for you two to finally get together?"


"You guys should've said so! I've always known you guys had some serious chemistry going on. But... what about Sakura?"

"Yeah..." Naruto shrugged "That's what we were talking about..."

"Ahha yes, I see there was a lot of talking going on."

They heard steps on the stairs

"Guys!!! We have to leave! SASUKE! NARUTO! You guys haven't helped shit with this mission, the least you can do is follow along on time!" Sakura roared.

"Where are we going?" Sasuke asked, seeming to be back in ninja mode again.

"Oh. Yeah. So, to get you up to speed:

Ito told Tanaka that he and Beatrix were in an arranged marriage, and that she actually has a really weird relationship with this other guy, but whatever. Basically, turns out, Tanaka and Ito can't touch each other. It's like there's a glass wall between them, it's crazy, you'll have to check it out when you go downstairs. So we came here, because they were thinking, and they noticed that when they were younger it was always like... there was something there, but because they had never tried to touch each other so forwardly they hadn't noticed there was something supernatural about it! So then we came here and we started to search around, because we had no better idea. And we found in one of Tanaka's old boxes some creepy looking talismans. There is only one shaman in this village so we're going to consult him. And we have to go now because he's only available once every forth moon, and the sun is almost shining."


Sakura shouted again, this time opening the door "What are all three of you doing here?" she inquired.

None of them answered, and she just rolled her eyes, walking back down "Just hurry up"


The car was way too small, but they didn't really have another option. Sakura was absolutely squished in between Naruto and Sasuke, and none of them could even look into her eyes, which was visibly annoying her.

"What's that?" Naruto asked, trying to distract himself with anything.

"We call it a GPS"

"How does it work?"

"Fuck if I know" Tanaka laughed, and continued rushing through the grass.

They arrived soon enough, and jumped out of the car, rushing to the the only house visible to them.

It wasn't as much of a house as it was a cabin. It had a creepy vibe to it, an evil glow. The walls, that were made of wood, were actually carved with strange forms, like a church.

Tanaka knocked hurriedly on the door, worried he'd lost his choice.

Nothing happened.

They all stood silent, watching as Tanaka slid his back on the door to the ground, and laid his head on his knees.

"This was our chance" He groaned, while Ito crunched down on the floor next to him and gave him a half hug. Or at least tried to, because the moment he was about to lay his arms around Tanaka he just couldn't go any further, and left his arm hanging in the middle of the air.

"I'm sure we'll find another way..."

"You know that's not true as much as I do. Why couldn't we have just found the paper before? only like half an hour"

Suddenly, a calm voice started talking to them.

"It's not time to panic yet... " someone announced with a soft tone.

Swiftly, a faint form showed itself in front of them.

"I was about to go to my world again... but I couldn't help overhearing. What is it that you seek so desperately?"

Tanaka quickly got out of his trance and took out the talisman. It glowed at the sight of the form, which confirmed that it was it who had made it.

"What's this?" Mr Ito asked.

"OwO that's a peculiar one! I don't get asked for that one often"

"What does it do?"

"It keeps people away. Usually parents that don't want kids falling in with the wrong crowds, or people that are being hit."

"Can you tell us... who did it?"

"No" the form whispered, seeming further and further away "I cant. I know who did it. He has something on me. I have to go, it's time"

"Wait!!" Ito ran to it "How do we fix it. We don't care who it was, but how do we stop it?"

"You have to- I don't have time- it's in the book, find the book in my cabin, the blue one, it'll open for you. If you find out who did it... make sure to fuck him up, because I can't"

And he was gone.

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