Naruto p.o.vBALLROOM WHAT ?!?
Shit shit shit Shit
Ok ok. Why was he already assuming the worst?? He and Sasuke had probably signed up together on accident!
"We will now announce the numbers of the random pairs"
There is no way that out of all these men he'd have to dance with Sasuke. Still wouldn't it be better if he did? He didn't like Sasuke, like at all, but he really didn't want to dance with a random stranger.
But he was distracting himself from the real problem; He didn't know how to dance!!
Well he could freestyle a bit of hip hop here and there but ballroom !? He wasn't even sure he new what that was!
Naruto looked back at Sasuke, he didn't look half as nervous as he did.
"For the first round, we will be mixing experienced candidates with the inexperienced ones for a bit of fun"
At that, Naruto saw Sasuke tense up.
He tried to find Kakashi and Sakura but apparently all the non pro competitors had been escorted to the limits of the room, leaving him and a couple of other men awkwardly in the center.
The numbers started being called, and, as expected, Sasuke got paired up with a random guy, and they were chatting together.
Naruto felt a pang of jealousy, Sasuke actually seemed to be having fun with this other guy. They weren't fighting or screaming at each other, they were talking calmly and laughing... He wondered if he'd ever be able to do that with Sasuke too...
"Naruto Uzumaki number 176" the man on stage said, distracting Naruto from his thoughts "Will be dancing with Sakuro"
Naruto took a second to realise what had happened. He had been paired up with his dream girl. He'd be dancing with Sakura tonight! Why wasn't he over the moon? He wanted to dance with Sakura more than anything, so why hadn't the possibility even crossed his mind ?
Sakura walked up to him
"Hey Naruto" she said with her usual voice. He liked her voice. "I'm glad we're together, it would be weird to be with someone I don't know" she said, her eyes wondering to where Sasuke was with longing.
"Yeah I'm so happy too" He replied biting the inside of his cheek.
"Let's.... BEGIN!"
And so they did, they looked around and tried to mimic what everyone else was doing.
A slow classical song started playing, and Naruto's hands awkwardly went to Sakura's waist and... they kind of started swinging, keeping each other at a distance.
Would Sakura hit him if he got closer? Did he want to get closer?
They stopped looking at each other at some point, and focused on Mr. Ito who was watching everyone attentively and writing some stuff on a paper.
He twirled Sakura around, and saw how gracefully her, now short, hair swung with her, and how pretty her eyes were, but also how none of those things made him.... He couldn't really explain it.
He met Sasuke's eyes across the room. He copied his gesture and twirled the other guy, and brought him close to him, not leaving Naruto's eyes for a second.
"And that's how it's done" he silently mouthed him
The song stopped and him and Sakura separated. He couldn't help but feel they had done poorly. Everyone else was showing off, trying new things, while Sakura and Naruto looked like 6 year olds at prom.
After this, Naruto came to an inevitable conclusion: He hated dancing.
It was the only explanation for why he didn't enjoy dancing with Sakura! Dancing was full on shit. He'd never ever EVER participate in a dance contest again!
"Now let's start the real show!" The man on stage said, making everyone start clapping.
"As you all know, this fantastic dance competition could only be possible with Mr. Ito's sponsoring, so give him a round of applause people!!"
"Ok, now about the competition, just dance and have fun everyone!! And the winners will, of course, get a yacht, and a paid holiday in Portugal!!"
The crowed cheered again, someone was even waving a flag with a 'pastel the nata', another screaming "AMOR Á PATRIA"
"Ok so. We'll obviously divide you into categories; experienced, medium and newbies. And of course, the winners of each category will win the same prize"
Oh man! Naruto would never go to Portugal now !! He almost wanted to cry, thinking about how he'd never go on a hippotrip across the river.
"The pairs will be random like before" He continued, opening a sheet of paper.
It's no surprise at this point, that Naruto did end up with Sasuke. They always came back to each other didn't they? The universe just had to shove them together !
"We'll start with the pros, to let the newbies get scared, and talk to each other about their performance"
Naruto looked around for Sasuke, and panicked for a second.
What if he had run away because he really didn't want to have to dance with Naruto? What if he had been kidnapped?
"I'm here" he heard him near his ear, and slid around to look at Sasuke.
"Had fun with your new friend?" Naruto couldn't help ask, with a sarcastic tone. He sounded so weird.
"Yeah" Sasuke answered in a monotone "Joseph is cool, he's actually here on holidays from Canada"
Canada? Waw so cool just because he came from far away!
"Why? are you jealous?"
Noooooo. Not that word.
He'd gotten jealous of Sasuke many times, for his skills, his family legacy, his talent with the ladies... But he's never gotten jealous of someone who was with Sasuke, because Sasuke is a fruit fly of a person. So shallow!
"No!" He simply answered, curling his hands into a fist.
"Ah sorry, looked like it" he rolled his eyes.
"I'm going to end y-" but Naruto couldn't finish his sentence, because a song started playing and Sasuke's hands went to his hips.

Because I care // SasuNaru
FanfictionCOMPLETED Naruto and sasuke basically don't like each other. But when their new assignment makes them travel further than ever before, gay panic hunts them all day and night. The universe keeps smashing them together and they can't help but start t...