10. Ill keep my distance

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Sasuke p.o.v

Sasuke knew better then to touch Naruto again. For a moment he thought... he didn't really know what he was thinking, it had just kind of happened. He was there, and the story was so sad and, for some reason he felt something when he heard Tanaka's story. He felt like he wanted to hold someone. Hold him.

But it wouldn't happen again. God Naruto must've felt so uncomfortable! Sasuke wanted to smack himself.

They both got into bed, mutually agreeing that there was no point in fighting about it. They had done it once, they could do it again.

Sasuke stared at the ceiling, dreading the thought of even having to talk to Naruto.

"You know..." He heard from Naruto, who was laying still at an appropriate distance from him "At the ball... I really did think he was going to hurt you. I know you think I'm irresponsible and stupid, but I still think I did the right thing. I was just trying t-"

He turned to him then "ugh forget it. Now you"

"Me what?" Sasuke asked, still unable to look him in the eye.

"Apologise to me"

"I have nothing to -"

"You do"

Did he really? What had he done exactly that seemed to have irritated Naruto so much?

"I'mmmmmmm sorry I disclosed information to a third party"

"Honestly I think you should apologise to Kakashi for that. Something else"

Something else? Was there even more to it?

"You don't even know do you?" Naruto sighed, seeming disappointed and turning away from him again "You didn't even notice"

I guess I didn't. But Naruto is a confusing person, it probably isn't even anything.

"I really am trying to find out but I really don't see-"

"Come on Sasuke, you're supposed to be the smart and observant  one. You really don't?"

"I really don't" He said, resting his hand on his forehead in despair.

Naruto stayed quiet. Maybe he'd go to sleep now and they'd leave it at that. But Sasuke couldn't do that, he was too curious, too jittery, and honestly... he cared.

"Will you tell me?" he whispered.

Naruto let out a long sigh, as if pondering what to do.

"You..." he said turning around to his side once again "promise you won't make fun of me"

"I won't"

"Ok. I'm mad that you didn't stand by me. You literally sided with a total stranger instead of me. I know that we're not, like, even friends, but... I'd stand by you. You know I would, and I have, and tonight you just." He swallowed hard "We can hate each other while standing by each other you know?"

He did know, and he did feel bad about it. But honestly, he didn't even think Naruto would notice. A part of him was- not happy- but sort of relived that he had.

"I do know"


"Good" except it wasn't. Just seconds ago he wanted this conversation to end, but now he wanted to know more, wanted to go deeper.

"Why aren't we...?"


"Friends. Why aren't we friends?"

Naruto seemed to take a moment to think, even though even Sasuke already knew the answer himself.

"We just don't fit each other like that"

"Could we try..?"

Sasuke felt something on his hand that was sprawled in between bed. It was very light touch on his pinky. So light he could easily ignore it. He did.


This made Sasuke laugh a bit, as he felt Naruto's own pinky intertwine with his. Painfully slowly.

"No it is"

He didn't know why Naruto was touching him. It was probably an accident anyway. And he didn't want to pull away anyway. Because Naruto was warm and he'd be lying if he said it wasn't cold. He wanted to get closer, hold more of him. Because of the cold. He had promised himself he wouldn't. He said he'd never touch Naruto again! He tried to pull away but Naruto held him a little tighter, just enough to let him know that maybe he was cold too. It was ok then, because technically Naruto was the one  touching him.

He started to fall asleep then. It was late and he was feeling very ok.

"Stand by me next time" Naruto sleepily whispered in the dark.

"I will"

Because I care  //  SasuNaruWhere stories live. Discover now