8. Four eyed snail

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still Naruto p.o.v

Naruto and Sasuke most definitely couldn't be friends.

"you're such an idiot! you should take your job more seriously!" Sasuke shouted at him!

"I'm not the unprofessional one you idiot!"

Sasuke hit the floor with his foot and threw his hair back with a sarcastic laugh "I am not the one who almost ruined our mission because of a petty feud!"

"yeah, but you're the one who almost gave up secret information to a third party because you got infatuated" Naruto shouted back, rolling his eyes and fighting the urge to shove Sasuke into the wall.

"Infatuated? I  don't get infatuated. That's not even a thing! And you're the one that always gets carried away and puts us in danger"

"I haven't done anything wrong!" He laughed back, getting nearer, and poking him the chest "Not a thing? You just proved it is! Oh aren't you in love? How could you say what we are doing here to mr. Itos N-"

Kakashi suddenly pushed Naruto back away from Sasuke, and the wall he was about to be shoved into.

"Just stop it you two!" He spit out, clearly fed up "Both of you did a notoriously bad job today, I still haven't quite figured out what happened yet, but regardless, the scene you guys pulled off at the dance competition is unacceptable!"

Sasuke p.o.v

Right then, Mr. Ito came in through his living room's door, looking weaker than usual.

"So, explain this whole fuckery to me" he said, sitting down on his creepy chair.

Sasuke was ready to start but, like always, Naruto beat him to it.

"Sasuke is a four eyed snail"

Sasuke could only open his mouth. He'd never been called a four eyed snail before. Naruto looked back at him, with a face that clearly showed that he knew how idiotic he had sounded.

"Ok, both of you sit down" Ito said, angrily pointing at the other armchair.

They both looked at each other in horror. It's an armchair, like, for one person.

No no no

"Physical closeness helps with mindful closeness" he explained.

Still a no

They both silently agreed they would just ignore what Ito suggested, and Sasuke started explaining what happened a couple of hours before

"Well, me and Naruto were dancing-"

"Why the fuck were you guys dancing on duty?" Ito bluntly interrupted "Also don't be stupid guys, just sit on the chair"

"Well... turns out your friend's 'guys night' was actually a song contest, and he was on the jury, so we just participated. I mean, we were already inside, it would be weird if we didn't"

"A ok. Now both of you sit on the chair"

Naruto's and Sasuke's eyes seemingly looked in between each other and the chair, blinking.

This time Naruto was the one that started talking

"Since apparently it was a very gay dance contest me and Sasuke ended up having to dance together, and we did, and we were actually having a good time until Sasuke's lovey dovey new boyfriend came and interrupted us. With and knife. Sasuke, you and him need to talk boundaries"

Sasuke was fuming again. Why was Naruto so fixated in him being with that murderous guy? Yes, after they'd been paired up for the first round he'd found him very interesting and had really enjoyed talking to him, but nothing like that!

"He wasn't trying to kill me! He was just showing me his hunting knife! But then you tried to murder him so it was self defense!"

"I just took the knife out of his hand! The rest was all his fault, he told me I'd never make it to Portugal!"

"And you were so triggered by it that you kicked him in the stomach"

"I poked him"

"He felt threatened!"

"Yeah, and let slip that you had told him we're ninjas on a mission. Rule number one of being a ninja is literally never say what you're doing, like, you're such an idiot!"

"He looked trustworthy!"

"Still!!! What went through your mind?"

"Look, he said he liked tomatoes. You know I love tomatoes, and he also loved tomatoes and was actually here on a research trip to find out more about the tomatoes from this region."

"Clearly he lied because he's here to kill you"

"He didn't try to kill me!"

"Boys!!" Mr. Ito shouted. "You're not listening to each other. SIT ON THE FUCKING CHAIR, and calmly tell me what happened next"

Naruto and Sasuke flinched at the same time. They had to get up now didn't they?... What was Sasuke going to do, were they going to have to sit on top of each other? No, they'd find a way. Though the thought of having Naruto on top of him wasn't... exactly un appealing.

No. It was un appealing. What a nightmare! That was the worst possible scenario. Why would he even like the thought of having the most irritating boy in the world sitting on him?

They both sat at the same time, sharing the chair half half, with their other leg over the handle

Sasuke bit his lip in embarrassment, trying to look for  any emotion in Naruto.

"Good" Mr. Tanaka said "Now, calmly. Let's start with you Sasuke"

He took a breath in and started "we were paired with random pairs and this guy... we talked, and frankly it was my fault I told him we were ninjas on a mission. While me a Naruto were dancing he came by, and tried to show me his tomato cutting knife. Naruto, like the impulsive child he is, took his knife and of course Joseph got angry and told him he'd never win the prize. Naruto attacked  him and he attacked back and it was a big fight. Joseph then told us that Ito was actually his father, and that he was going to get us thrown out of the contest."

Mr. Tanaka looked very sad then. His face lost some color and he looked down.

"Is everything ok?" Kakashi asked

"Call Sakura everyone. I think it's time I tell you guys the real reason why I hired you."

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