19. Caught........?

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Still Sasuke's p.o.v

The voyager was right, the cow knew the lands like the palm of her hands, or her hooves.

They had a jolly voyage, but now it was time to face reality. What were they going to do about them? About the us they had become? Should they tell everyone?

When Betty the cow finally stopped walking they were in front of a nice old looking cottage.

"Waw is this really where Mr Tanaka spent his childhood?!" Naruto marvelled "He must be even older than I thought!"

Both betty and Sasuke looked badly at Naruto, noting just how unhinged he was.

"Let's just knock" Sasuke said, stepping up the porch and doing exactly that.

A cheery man opened the door, and introduced himself as Tanaka's father, who turns out, actually built the house with his own father.

They were welcomed inside, and taken to the living room, where everyone was waiting for them

Naruto seemed to like Tanaka's father well enough, but Sasuke... there was something off about him, something that smelled of dark magic... or maybe it was just onions, he didn't like them much.

"I'm so glad you guys made it!" Tanaka said, handing them each a cup of green tea. "I guess I should've mentioned in my letter that it's not easy to find your way around here without a cow. But you guys seemed to have figured that out. when are you going to give it back? Do you guys want me to go to the central cow station for you?"

"Give back....?" Sasuke almost gasped.

"Yeah... cus you guys rented it?"

"We bought it"


"Well yes. We love Betty"

Sakura suddenly came up from the kitchen, holding a mug of tea herself.

"we?" she said, almost jokingly, plopping on the sofa.

"Yeah, we bought it"

Kakashi stood up worried "Naruto, I've seen the prices! you can't possibly afford to buy this overpriced cow! Not even if you guys shared the costs"

"Betty was not overpriced. And I bought it technically. For us"

Now Sakura looked serious, and shifted uncomfortably on the sofa "us?" she mumbled, more confused than anything else.

Naruto p.o.v

It suddenly hit Naruto like slap in the face that, whilst he was falling head over heals and having fun with Sasuke, he had completely forgotten about Sakura.

He felt sick for a second. How could he forget about his friend?? Sakura had liked Sasuke since ... forever. This wasn't fair to her.

She would never forgive him. It would split up their team. What would Kakashi think of him then? And in the village... he was about to go from monster carrying kid, to boyfriend stealing asshole!

"Ha there you go Sasuke! being silly as always. What Sasuke means is that he said he would let me spend time with her sometimes. What were you weirdos thinking?? hahahahaha. Where are our rooms here? I'm almost dead, can I get some sleep?" He nervously rambled on, starting to walk up the stairs.

"Yeah. You'll be happy to know that there are enough rooms in this house for everyone, so you and Sasuke don't have to share. Yours is the one on the right."

This made him stop. What did he think? That he could unsuspiciously continue to sleep next to Sasuke forever??

They stared at each other for a second, Naruto noticing that Sasuke seemed... hurt. But he composed himself and continued up the stairs.

His room looked cozy enough, but for some reason it felt cold. Oh what had he done to himself by kissing Sasuke! How could he live with himself now? How could he live by himself?

Would he be able to sleep without Sasuke's warmth now, or was that also ruined for him?


Sasuke p.o.v

Sasuke just couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned, on his bed, on the floor, but nothing worked. had Naruto been embarrassed about them? Had he taken this more seriously than him? It was probably his fault, he always seemed to be more serious than everyone else...

He finally made up his mind, and purposefully knocked on Naruto's door.

"come in"

"I wanted to talk to you. I'm sure you know why" Sasuke came in, and threw himself next to Naruto, then catching himself and sitting straight up again.

"You're still welcome in my bed Sasuke... If that's what you're wondering"

"Ok" he layed back down.

"What do you want to say?"

"I- Why did you- Do you want to... hide?"

"I don't, I mean I don't even have a family really, I wouldn't have a problem coming out if not... How could we forget about Sakura?"

"Sakura? What does she have to do with any of this?"

"She loves you"

"Lot's of girls love me"

"Yes but she's our  friend"


"Do you really not care about her at all??" Naruto uttered with disbelief, visibly moving away from Sasuke.

"Of course I care. I care about her a lot, I've saved her life many times, and I'm thankful for the times she's saved mine.... But I care more about us"

"But Sakura-"

"Are you going to throw our whole future away because you're scared Sakura will be so hurt she'll never recover?"

"I love Sakura, I'm prepared to throw away my happiness-"

"Yeah but it's not just your happiness you're throwing away is it?" Sasuke's anger started to rise.

Naruto wasn't thinking right. He was being impulsive, that was the only explanation for all of this. Was this because Sasuke hadn't committed? He'd commit right now then.

"Naruto, listen to me. You can have as much time as you need, but we have to tell her at some point. We have to be happy in the end"

"Ok" Naruto barely whispered, getting close to Sasuke once again



Sasuke summed up all the courage he had, and took a deep breath.

"Naruto will you be my boyfriend?"


But Sasuke didn't really want to know the answer. Not now. He grabbed Naruto's cheeks with his hands and leaned in to kiss him.

Naruto seemed caught off guard but quickly kissed back, putting his hands around Sasuke's waist in a tight hug.

"Can I stay the night?"

"As long as you leave early" Naruto answered quickly, eager to get back to kissing.

Suddenly the door opened, and before they could even realize what was happening-

"I THINK WE FIGURED-" Kakashi shouted happily. But suddenly stopped on his tracks.

No! Had Kakashi seen ?!?

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