5. Assignment comes first!

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Sasuke p.o.v

Hoping that all had been cleared up, Sasuke finished his breakfast quickly. They were here for one thing and one thing only.


"Ok" Tanaka said after they had all finished "Did you guys make any progress yesterday?"

"Not really" Kakashi replied, his serious mode on again "He has a pretty normal house, nothing jumped out to me, and since my ninjas haven't reported anything I'm also assuming they thought the same."

"Well that was expected. Today though, you guys might find something more interesting.

"On Tuesdays Ito has his so called 'boys nights'. Not even I, when we were close friends, was invited to them! Something weird is happening over there for sure!"

——- magiki time skippy to de night ———

Naruto was up with Sasuke on the trees, while Sakura and Kakashi were following Mr. Ito through the ground. Naruto was clearly trying to show off, jumping higher than necessary and landing with idiotic poses. Sasuke wasn't bothered though, what did it matter to him anyway? As long as he wasn't disturbing their work it was ok.

Still, the competitive side of Sasuke told him this wasn't right. Anyone watching would assume Naruto was cooler than him!

Naruto landed again, with a pose that showed off his ass particularly well.

"No don't notice that stupid!" Sasuke scolded himself. And no one was supposed to see them anyway, that was the whole point of spying!

"Hahahaha. Impressed Sasuke?" Naruto basically screamed from the nearest branch.

Sasuke jumped to him and made an aggressive shhhh near his face, trying to pass the message that If he didn't shut up, Mr.Ito would suspect something.

Naruto flinched a bit, losing his balence and swuinging to the left, grabbing at Sasuke's arm. Instinctively his hands when to Naruto's waist, keeping him in place. They stared at each other for a second. Jesus, this was certainly enough contact for one day! He blinked once, then twice. Why wasn't he helping Naruto up? Why wasn't Naruto helping himself up.

From the corner of his eye, Sasuke saw Kakashi signaling for them to go down, Mr Ito had gone inside a building. Naruto rapidly got his balance back and let go of Sasuke's arm so violently that he almost made him fall over too, and after a moment of silence they both jumped down together.

The establishment Ito had entered looked very old from the outside, the walls were made of marble and there was a big rusty looking dark wooden door, with a very unwelcoming looking ninja guarding it. It wouldn't be easy to come in unnoticed.

He took a closer look at the clientele going in, which was basically just men in fancy suits.

"Should we infiltrate?" Naruto asked, still looking a little shaken.

"I guess" Kakashi answered "let's use a transformation jutso to make ourselves look fancy"

Sasuke almost laughed, seeing Sakura's terrified face. she knew she wouldn't get in looking like herself. like a female he meant.

Naruto and him locked eyes, him also in the verge of a giggle

"Sakura, or should I say.... Sakuro, what would you like to do tonight young gentlemen?" he said.

Sakura looked like she was going to murder him, and jumped on top of him, kicking him in the gut and punching him on the cheek. No! not Naruto's cute cheeks, he thought, I mean, who cares....

After Kakashi separated them, they all transformed their clothing into fancy tuxedos.

Damn. Naruto's tuxedo fitted him perfectly, and Sasuke almost let his mouth fall when he untied the first button of his dress shirt. He looked so smug, but weirdly, Sasuke didn't want to punch his smirk out of his face.

He started jumping soon enough, back to his energetic personality.

"come on guys!!! lets gooo... I wonder what its going to be like inside!" He said, eyes glowing with enthusiasm "Is this some kind of fancy bar? Can I have a cocktail sensei?? I know I'm technically not old enough but no one will know! what if there's like... a slide!?"

He continued to trotter on while they all followed him inside.

When they got inside, Sasuke wished he'd had some sunglasses so that he could take them off dramatically

Inside there was a roman style room, darkly lit and full of candles and what looked like little floating stars in the ceiling. Everything was in tones of beige and there was, indeed, a small bar.

They got inline to go deeper into the room, and marveled around until it was their turn.

They were asked their names and couple more identification questions, then, they were asked how many years of experience they had.

"I've been doing this all my life" Naruto jumped

"A long time" Sasuke said, thinking that if they said they were pros at whatever this is, they'll have more chances of seeing Ito.

Kakashi and Sakura both said they were newbies, and they proceeded to give each of them a paper with a number.

They walked further into the room and mingled into the people, Sasuke never taking his eyes off Naruto, trying to make sure nothing happened to him.

Why was he suddenly so worried? Naruto knew how to take care of himself. But he did enjoy helping him today in the trees, and even though he'd never admit it out loud, he'd like the opportunity to do it again...

"Everyone line up" someone said from a loud speaker "we're about to start"

Naruto looked back at Sasuke with a confused expression and he just shrugged at back, doing as he was told.

A large curtain opened at the extremity of the room, showing a large table with 3 men, one of them Ito.

"Gentlemen and... gentlemen, welcome to this years... ballroom dancing competition!"

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