Chapter 1

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Kenny threw his head back in exasperation and let out a tired laugh. "You're kidding me, right? Your mother named you Levi again? And now she's dead? Again? For fuck's sake, I've already told you, I'm not cut out to be a father."

Five-year-old Levi looked up at his uncle solemnly. "Well, you can't be worse than last time, so take a shot at it." Kenny snorted, then nodded. "You're still mouthy. Fine, brat. Come with me."


Years passed, and Levi grew up, determined not to waste his shot at a more peaceful life. He met Hange in middle school. They had their memories of their "other life" as they called it, and the two latched onto each other. Kenny wasn't particularly interested in hearing about Levi's other life, so it was nice to have someone to talk to.

They met Mike in high school and ran into Connie and Sasha during the summer before college. Connie and Sasha were now actual twins, but they still had their last names from their other life because their parents were divorced.

Now, Levi was in his third year of college, sharing an on-campus apartment with Hange and Mike. "I still haven't taken my history Gen-Ed," Hange complained, flopping down next to Levi on the couch.

"And what do you expect me to do about it, four-eyes?" Levi teased.

"I don't know, but history is boring! If I wanted to think about wars, I would just go to sleep!" They exclaimed.

Levi grimaced. Hange wasn't the only one with nightmares, but he wasn't about to tell them that.

"Well, too bad, you'll have to take it if you want to graduate. Stop moping. I already signed up for mine."

There was a pause.

"Do you guys think we'll ever find Moblit and Erwin and Nanaba?" Hange asked.

Mike, now interested in the conversation, shook his head. "I don't know, but we have to try, right? If we're still looking, we still have a chance."

"Cut the shit." Levi snarled. "That's from our past life. Stop being burdened by it."

Hange's eyes widened. "Levi... have you actually given up on Erwin?"

"Of course not, were you dropped on your head as a child? I'm just saying you should face the facts: us even happening to meet is absurdly lucky." Hange smiled at him with a sympathetic and knowing expression.

"Tch. Don't look at me like that, four eyes."

"Alright, alright. I need to check my class schedule anyway. I hope my history teacher is at least attractive, then I'll have something to think about during that class." Hange laughed.

"So much for Moblit." Mike joked, shaking his head.

Hange got up and walked over to their computer, taking their time to scroll through their schedule.

"Levi..." Hange breathed, so quietly Levi almost thought he imagined it. "Levi come here." Levi looked at them, confused, before complying and slowly walking over to where Hange sat at their desk. Hange raised a finger, shaking with excitement, to the screen. "My history professor..." Levi's eyes widened and he felt his heartbeat speed up as he read the name. Erwin Smith. "The room number. Hange what's his office's room number?!" Levi asked, rushed.

Before he knew it, the three of them were sprinting across campus, poorly scribbled directions in Levi's hand on a torn piece of paper. "It might not be him," Levi said between breaths, "But you're right, Mike. We have to try."

They entered the history building and scrambled up the stairs. After a few paces, they found the door with the nameplate "Erwin Smith". Hange threw themselves against it, pounding on it mercilessly with their fists. "Hange! What if it's not him? You can't just bang on someone's door like that for no reason!" Levi scolded. "I'm sorry I'm just so excited!" Hange was practically vibrating with excitement. Hell, Levi and Mike were too. The light was on under the door, and soon they heard the doorknob turn.

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