Chapter 5

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(A/N) - Chapter 5 ended up being longer than everything I've written so far, so I broke it up into three chapters...

Also, anime-only's this is your last chance to leave :)

Very slight nsfw warning- it's just a mention of sex. Honestly, it doesn't warrant a warning but whatever, I figured I'd put one just in case. Anyways, enjoy!

"Levi, stop looking at me like that. I can't concentrate on my book."

"Stop fucking whining. I have to guard you- you know this."

"But Levi, you could at least be a little nicer to me!"
"Huh? I think I'm being plenty nice to you, you shit."
"But you just called me a shit!" Zeke whined, closing his book and putting it to the side.

"Tell me about yourself, Levi! We've been sitting in this forest for god-knows-how-long and we barely know each other!" Zeke put on his brightest smile but Levi continued to glare at him silently. Not going to be defeated easily, Zeke tried again.

"How about you tell me something super personal. You know, as an ice breaker!"

Levi scoffed. "Aren't ice breakers supposed to be like 'what is your favorite color' or some boring shit?"

"Aha, so you're considering it!" Zeke said triumphantly and Levi sighed, sinking back down into his chair.

"Tell me Levi, when was the last time you got laid?" Zeke asked, a vicious smirk playing on his lips.

"Huh? The hell type of question is that?"

"I don't know, you just always seem so uptight. Maybe if you got a lady-friend you'd loosen up."

"I'm not interested."

"Ah, so you're a virgin!"
"Aha, yes! See Levi, this is progress, we're getting to know each other!"

Levi sighed. He couldn't afford to get out of earshot of Zeke lest he tries something. He knew this was going to be a pain in the ass but he didn't realize just how annoying Zeke was going to be.

"How long ago was it?" Zeke asked.

"How long ago was it that you got laid?"
Levi sighed. "If I answer will you shut the fuck up?"


"'Maybe' isn't good enough."

"Fine, fine, I will. Possibly."

Levi groaned in exasperation and rubbed his hand tiredly on his forehead. "Four years ago."

"Four years?!" Zeke exclaimed, shooting forward in his chair. "No wonder you're so uptight! Come on Levi, let's go into town and we can find you a prostitute. I'll pay!"
"Nice try, but I'm not letting you out of this forest." Levi paused. "Plus, I don't like prostitution. It's a shit business."

"Woah, wait up. You mean you got to do it with someone without paying them?"

"How unfortunate you phrased it that way. But yes."

"What happened? Did you break up? Maybe get in a fight? Wow, it's hard to imagine the 'great' Ackerman being in a romantic relationship with a girl!"

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