Chapter 10

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The room was completely silent, but Levi still didn't hear the footsteps approaching. He was too lost in his own mind. It wasn't until she laid down on the couch next to him, her head in his lap, that he realized he wasn't alone anymore.

"Hey, Gabi. What are you doing here?" Levi asked, uncrossing his legs so that she could be more comfortable.

"Falco and I just wanted to say hi! Niccolo said you might be here."

Gabi was a teenager now. Her hair was longer and she always wore a bright smile that made Levi feel just a little bit better.

"Falco too, huh. Did you leave him in the dust?" He asked, ruffling her hair slightly.

"Yep! He's super slow, he's never beaten me in a race!"

Levi raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

Gabi glanced away guiltily. "Well, there was one time, but that was just once!"
"Hm. That sounds like it counts, though."

Suddenly the door to the room slammed open with a bang, and a panting Falco followed closely by Niccolo entered the room. "God, Gabi! You have to warn me if we're gonna race! It's not fair!" Falco yelled.

"Oi! Keep your voice down, this is a museum! It's supposed to be quiet!" Levi said angrily.

"Sorry, Levi," Falco said, immediately straightening and looking down nervously.

Levi sighed. "Come here."

Gabi picked up her legs so that Falco could sit down. Her head still rested in Levi's lap and once Falco sat she placed her legs over Falco's. Niccolo sat down on the other side of Levi.

"So who is he?" Falco asked, pointing to the painting Levi had been sitting in front of for an unknown amount of time.

It was the only painting in the small room, but it was large and had an expensive frame. It depicted a man on a horse, his mouth open to utter a silent command. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and his blonde hair was being pulled back by the wind as he raised his sword into the air.

"Erwin Smith," Levi said, still staring at the painting. It was beautifully realistic, but he would have preferred it depict him sitting somewhere pleasant and smiling rather than serious and in the middle of Titan territory. However, Levi reasoned, it was better that this is how history remembers him: a hero.

"He was the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps. He's 54the one who convinced me to join the military all those years ago. And he was, well, a close friend."

"He must have been important to you," Falco commented. "How long have you been sitting here?"

Levi paused, glancing at Falco out of the corner of his good eye. "I'm... not sure."

"Well, you should come to lunch with me and Gabi! There's this new restaurant Onyakapon recommended opening up down the street- he says it's food from his nation."

Levi nodded. "You guys can go ahead, I'm going to stay here for a little while longer."

"Alright, but you better catch up with us! We'll save a seat for you, Levi-dad!" Gabi said, rolling off of the couch unceremoniously.

"Save a seat for me too," Niccolo said. "I'm going to stay here for a bit as well."

After the two had left, there was a small stretch of silence as the two looked at the painting. Finally, Niccolo spoke.

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