Chapter 2

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Hange was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement, but the smell of burning food was what woke Levi up.

"Oh for fucks sake, I told them not to try to cook," Levi grumbled as he put on clothes for the day. Today was Tuesday and, more importantly, his first day in Erwin's class. He had to look good.

Satisfied with his appearance, he walked down the hall and took the pan away from Hange who was desperately trying to salvage what wasn't burnt yet. It was hopeless, and Levi pushed it into the trash.

"Was that supposed to be eggs? Stop wasting food and just let me cook."

They sighed and walked away from the stove to where Mike sat at the table.

"See, I told you he'd be mad," Mike said.

"I wanted to see if I could do it! It was for science."

"Not everything is 'for science'" Levi cut in, slightly amused.


Mike held the door for Levi and Hange as they walked into Erwin's class. No, Professor Smith's class. Once everyone got settled, Erwin stood and introduced himself to the class. It was a large, lecture-style gen-ed, with sloping, stadium-like desks and at least 150 students. Erwin didn't seem at all nervous to be speaking to such a large crowd.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Professor Erwin Smith. A bit about me- I sped through school and earned my Ph.D. at 25, so now here I am, one year later, as a professor."

Of course he did.

"I absolutely love this subject and I hope that you will come to enjoy it as much as I do."

Levi had to agree with Hange's earlier opinion of disliking history, but when Erwin stood in front of the class, he was transfixed.

Erwin spoke as if he was genuinely in love with the subject, and his enthusiasm was carrying over to the class. Even Hange was sitting forward in their seat, eyes glued to the projector with fascination.

Levi's eyes softened. Of course. Being a history professor suits him so well. He looks happy. Suddenly a worse thought nagged at him. And I want to make him remember? That's cruel to him. He's happy how he is now, so why should I try to change that? That would just be selfish.


It's as Mike said. He devoted himself to finding the truth, so I shouldn't withhold it from him. I still want him to remember on his own, though. I can't just tell him he loved me, he has to remember that himself.

As class ended, Levi picked himself up and walked over to Erwin's desk before he could second-guess himself. "Hey, Professor Smith. I just, uh, wanted to apologize for me and my friends banging on your door the other day. I'm sure that was... surprising."

Erwin looked up from his desk and laughed. "Yeah, I thought there must have been a fire in the building or some kind of emergency since it sounded like someone was fighting for their life outside my room."

Levi smiled slightly at Erwin's laugh. "Yeah, it must have. Sorry."

Levi shuffled awkwardly as Erwin looked back down at his papers, the conversation clearly over but Levi not wanting to leave. He was about to give in and go when his eyes caught something on Erwin's desk.

"Is that sheet music?" Levi asked, surprised. Erwin had never had an interest in music in their other life, but maybe he would have if he was given the chance.

"Yeah, I play the piano. I have a concert in about a month if you're interested in attending." Erwin said, not sure why he just invited this student, but something seemed right about that.

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