Chapter 3

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"Wow, Levi you're actually getting pretty good at this," Erwin commented after his third lesson with Levi. "Have you been working on this on your own time?"

Levi nodded. "Yeah. I think I understand how to read the notes now, although sight-reading is difficult."

"You should be studying for my class," Erwin said, nudging Levi.

"Tch. So far so good with the A-average thing, so I don't know what you're complaining about."

"Well, you have the deadline for that paper on the history of war coming up."

Levi groaned.

Erwin smiled, closing the music and standing. His smile faltered. "So you're really not going to tell me anything about our past life?"

Levi nodded.

"Can you at least tell me about us? I mean, you said I knew Hange and Mike but neither of them demanded piano lessons or have gone out of their way to meet me. And you don't strike me as an especially sentimental person, so... why?"

Levi hesitated. "I was closer to you than they were. But they've been dying to talk to you, they just didn't want to overwhelm you or force your memories back by accident."

That's technically not a lie, Levi thought.

"I think it's ok for you to meet them now, though. We could go to a bar or something? I think they're free tomorrow night."

Erwin's eyes brightened mischievously. "That sounds great!"

Levi glared at him. "I'll be making sure they don't spill anything to you about our past life."
Erwin sighed, visibly deflating.

"I need to get something from my classroom, so I'll walk with you back to campus." Erwin offered, and Levi nodded.

His relationship with Erwin has progressed surprisingly well. Erwin was comfortable around him and talked to him like he had known him for years. Which, of course, he had.


The walk back to campus was quiet, with Erwin obviously lost in thought. Eventually, Levi had enough.

"Are you going to tell me what's on your mind or are you going to make us play charades and have me guess what you're thinking?"

Erwin looked slightly taken aback before he realized that despite Levi's harsh tone and blank face, he wasn't trying to be rude.

"Alright," he said in resignation. "I keep having this dream- actually, I've been having it for as long as I can remember." He paused, unsure whether or not to go on, but when Levi looked at him expectantly, he continued.

"I think I was in some sort of hospital room, but it wasn't like the hospitals here; It was a simple wooden building. My right arm hurt like hell- no, I think it wasn't there at all. There was also a man sitting next to my bed, and he seemed pretty angry at me. Although I'm not sure why."

Levi looked at Erwin, surprised. "Yeah. That happened. That was me. You lacked the self-preservation to save your arm so I was pissed off."

Erwin nodded. "How did I lose my arm?"

"Figure it out yourself."

Erwin was cut off by someone slamming into Levi from behind and knocking him to the ground.

"What the fuck-" Levi started, caught off guard since he was so focused on Erwin. Levi rolled expertly and pinned his attacker to the ground. "Who- Gabi?"

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