Chapter 8

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"Agh! What did you do to him, Levi?" Hange asked as Levi pulled Erwin's snow-covered corpse back into the apartment.

"Tch, he's not dead, four-eyes. He just passed out." Levi said, rolling his eyes, but he was smiling, his cheeks still slightly red.

Mike narrowed his eyes. "You ought to be more careful, Levi. You made him pass out on a balcony."

"I didn't make him pass out. He's the one who kissed me."

Mike and Hange stared at Levi, stunned. Suddenly Hange jumped and pumped their fists in the air. "YES! I knew you could do it, Levi! Look at us! I just found Moblit- who remembers by the way- and now you officially have Erwin back! Mike!" They turned to Mike and saluted. "I will not rest until I locate Nanaba! But in the meantime please allow me and Levi to be happy for ourselves!"

Mike chuckled. "Of course, Hange. I'm happy for both of you- you deserve to be with the people you love. We've all been through so much, I'm so glad we're getting them back."


"Thanks for knocking," Erwin said sarcastically.

"You're the one who asked me to come here, I figured you'd be expecting me," Levi said, crossing his arms.

Erwin's office was small and sparse. It was clean, but not clean enough (Levi would have to fix that after Erwin said whatever was on his mind). As a Captain, you didn't receive nearly as nice of an office as the Commander.

"So what did you want?" Levi asked.

"Just to talk. About, well... Commander Shadis."

"Oh? Spit it out, then. I don't have all day."

Erwin sighed. "Right, so he's not doing so well. His missions keep failing and I think it's wearing on him mentally."

Erwin paused like he expected Levi to put it together without him having to say it, but Levi just stared at him blankly.

"Levi, I think he's going to retire soon. So in the near future, it's very possible that I'll become Commander."

"Well obviously. Who else would become Commander? Hange? Hah."

Erwin rolled his eyes. "Hange would make a great Commander, don't deny it. However, I do intend to get the position. The only way to my goal is forward, so forward I must go."

Levi nodded. "Congratulations, I guess. You still haven't gotten to the part about why you called me here. Just to gloat?"

Erwin smiled. "No, no, it's more about you, actually. I want to know if you would accept the position of Captain as soon as I am able to give it to you?"

"Captain? Wouldn't I be of better use as just a soldier? Leading people isn't really my forte."

"I would let you choose the members of your squad- it'll be an elite team and the best in the Survey Corps, with you at the head of it."

Levi paused then nodded. "Alright, if you think that's the best use for me, then I'll trust your judgment."

Erwin chuckled. "Don't agree too quickly- being a Captain has things you will probably dislike as well, like," he gestured to his desk, "all this paperwork."

Levi walked towards the desk and picked up a stack of papers. "Fuck no, Erwin I can't do this."

"Oh come on Levi, I know it looks like a lot but you'll get the hang of it."

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