Chapter 5: The Disaster at Ostagar

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Chapter 5: The Disaster at Ostagar


*Strong language is used*


I woke up in the middle of the night, Alistair had propped himself up on a pillar and was snoring softly. A smile graced the corner of my lips as I sat up slowly not wanting to wake him up, he stirred slightly. The stars were veiled by the clouds and a chilling wind swept through the air making me shudder.

"We should use the tower of Ishal as a beacon to signal my men." I heard Teryn Loghain explaining in a hushed tone.

"That sounds like a grand idea." King Cailen said.

The realization that the battle was happening the next day shot through me, a quick pang of fear shot through my body.

"I'll have someone go and light the beacon then." Duncan said as the voices trailed off. I stared out across the black landscape.

"You really should be getting rest," I heard Alistair say in a raspy voice.

"I know..." I whispered, almost to myself. My mind still focused on the upcoming battle, "Have you ever fought in any of the battles?" I asked, my eyes flickering over at Alistair who understood my fear.

"A couple, keep in mind I haven't been with the army here for long." Alistair said.

"mmm." I hummed, I could feel sleep coming back over me.

"Go back to sleep, you'll need it." Alistair said moving to lay down on a blanket and smiling at me, I laid back onto his shoulder; Alistair started running his fingers through my hair again as I fell asleep.

It was late in the morning I guessed when I woke up, the sky was still darkened by clouds so I really couldn't tell. Alistair was still asleep, I was still laying on his shoulder. I never want to move from here; I could stay like this forever and be perfectly fine. I thought to myself.

I laid there for a few more minutes before Alistair began to stir and looked up at him. He groaned and stretched and squinted as he opened his eyes.

"Well I hope you slept good because I sure didn't." He said jokingly as he cracked his neck, I walked over to my pack and pulled my cuirass over my head and pulled my hair up.

"Should we find Duncan?" I asked Alistair who was struggling to get up, I giggled when I saw him groaning and muttering to himself as he looked for his weapons.

"He would probably be the person to see." He said as he finally stood up and stretched again. I walked past him and headed to where I thought Duncan would be. I heard Alistair clanking loudly behind me.

"I'm sure the darkspawn never suspect you coming." I muttered, glancing over at Alistair who knitted his eyebrows together.

"Why?" He asked slowly, looking himself over as if he had forgotten something.

"You know... your armor..." My voice trailed off as I gestured at his splint armor.

"Oh, yeah..." Alistair rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Sorry." He chuckled and gestured towards Duncan who was at the long table again but this time with King Cailen and Loghain, he turned his head as he heard us approaching. I nodded my head respectfully at Duncan and the King, Loghain frowned and left us.

"What's the plan." Alistair said from behind me.

"The King and I are trying to figure out the details of that." Duncan said looking at the King who was looking at the map on the table. "Meanwhile you and Alistair should head to the quartermaster for anything you need." Duncan said pointing his thumb out of the room.

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