Chapter 26: Captured

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Chapter 25: Captured

I gasped and spun around, sprinting down the hall way to Eamon's room. I barged through the doors, he was snoring loudly, Isolde was curled up beside him, smiling. 

"Wake up!" I yelled, Eamon jumped staring up at me in surprise and rubbing his eyes. "Loghain's men are here." I said nervously, looking towards the entrance. Eamon hopped out of bed, "Get Alistair." He said quickly.

I ran down the hallway frantically, my things were upstairs, 'Idiot!" I thought to myself, I ran into Alistair's room, Alistair was still sleeping the same way I had left him. "Alistair," I shook him softly, he woke up arching his eyebrows at my scattered state. "Loghain's men are here," I said quietly, "What?" Alistair tensed up, grabbing my arm tightly. "I-" I started and heard a loud slam against the main door. 

"I'm going to get my things," I spun on my heel and sprinted out of the room and up the stairs, slamming everyone's doors to wake them up. I ran into the room Alistair had been in a couple days ago and grabbed my daggers and slipped my bow over my head and on my back. The others had woken up and were staring at me from their doorway, "Loghain's men," I repeated out of breath as I sprinted past them and back down the stairs.

"I'm telling you Ser, there's no one here." Arl Eamon said sternly, I gasped and pressed my back against the wall. "We'll see," A familiar voice echoed loudly. My hands were shaking, I was more afraid of these men than any darkspawn, darkspawn are intent on their ways; there is no guessing, but men have twisted minds.

The men went down the hall towards Alistair's room, "Shit," I said under my breath and pushed off the wall, Cullen was beside me by now. "Katria, don't." He held my arm, I ripped my arm from his grip and walked down the few stairs into the main hall. 

I heard struggles, I ran towards the noise, Eamon had a sword out and was fighting off the men alone. I grabbed an arrow quickly and pulled my string up to my cheek, loosing the arrow into the chest of one of the men, they were right beside Alistair's room. 

One of the men spotted me and charged at me, swinging his sword blindly. I dodged the swing but the man brought the hilt of the sword up, colliding it with my cheek, I yelled out and held my cheek as a sharp pain shot through it. 

I grabbed my dagger off my hips and swung at the man, he screamed it surprise at how quickly I attacked. I quickly dropped to the ground, swinging my legs around and tripping the man, holding a sword to his neck with the intention of slitting it.

"Enough!"  The familiar voice I had heard earlier called out, I flicked my eyes up.

The man was holding Alistair, with his sword positioned over his neck. "No!" I screamed, stepping back from the man I had tripped and glaring towards the one that was holding Alistair. 

Alistair was grinding his teeth, trying to keep the immense pain he was in hidden. My breath quickened.

"Drop the daggers." The man said sternly, I took a deep breath as my dagger clanged against the stone, the man threw Alistair on the ground, Alistair screamed out in pain; clenching his fists.

"Remember me?" The man walked closer to me, wavy black hair dripped onto the wormy man's forehead and it hit me, "Zachariah?" I narrowed my eyes and stepped backwards into one of the other men; I gasped when I hit the cold splint-mail.

Zachariah ran his finger down my face and to my neck, grinning wickedly. "Miss me?" He hissed and grabbed my wrist, yanking my close to him. I whimpered at how close he was against my face. "Katria!" Cullen yelled out, trying to get to me from several guards. 

"Stop." Alistair managed, Zachariah spun around causing me to face Alistair's pained expression. Zachariah nodded at one of his men who kicked Alistair's wounded thigh, earning a scream of utter agony. "No! Stop!" I screamed out in horror, tears ran down my face as I struggled against Zachariah who was smiling. 

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