Chapter 2: Ostagar

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Chapter 2: Ostagar

"We'll be heading south into the Hinterlands to an ancient fortress inside the Korcari wilds." Duncan said, looking at the path ahead.

"The Korcari wilds?" I arched an eyebrow at him, the wilds were extremely dangerous. Witches and Maker knows what else lurks in those woods.

"The bulk of the horde is there. We've already clashed with the darkspawn several times, earning small victories." He didn't look reassured. I narrowed my eyes as I raked through my mind about anything I knew about darkspawn.

"I was never truly taught about the darkspawn," Duncan looked surprised. "I was told they were all defeated in the last Blight and that they weren't a threat any longer." I explained. 

"Alistair is the person to talk to about that, you'll meet him at Ostagar." Duncan stated still staring ahead at the path.

The frigid air stung against my face, my leather armor didn't do much good against the freezing temperatures of Ferelden but I can't stand heavy armor. Duncan's expensive looking armor shimmered in the bright sun which would alert everything that could see to our location but Duncan didn't see to mind. I examined the armor closer to see the layers underneath, I don't know how he managed to move around in it. Duncan looked over at me arching his eyebrow.

"So you just... wear that all the time?" I smiled at the corner of my mouth.

"What? Is there something wrong with it?" Duncan looked down at his armor and frowned.

"How do you move?" I laughed slightly. 

"You will be surprised." Duncan smirked. "We should reach Ostagar tomorrow in the afternoon or early evening." He said while trying to make a fire. 

I nodded, I just wanted to find Fergus since he was really all I had left. Duncan stood up and walked over to his pack and fumbled through it. He grabbed a small blue blanket that had gold embroidery around the edges and threw it at me, I could tell he felt bad about what had just happened but honestly I felt numb. The thought still meant something and I appreciated that he was trying. 

I laid down on the little patch of grass we decided to make camp at and curled up in the blanket, it was rather warm, better than having nothing. I stared up at the stars, wondering how many there were. I was so tired, we had ran for hours after escaping to make sure no one followed us and the entire time I was bawling my eyes out. I thought about everything that happened and how to get my revenge on Howe, he had to be punished for the things he did, my father and him were friends they had rode into battle together. I drifted off to sleep.

"We need to move." A low voice said to me jolting me out of my deep sleep.

"Right." I said in a raspy voice rolling my eyes, I was still really tired. I slowly got up from the ground, wincing at the pain that shot that shot through my back from laying on the hard ground and grabbed the small pack Duncan had given me. He said I could get more supplies at Ostagar from the quartermaster, I didn't see the point though. The sun just began coming over the horizon, casting a red-orange color over the landscape, it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. I wanted to just stand there and take everything in, the sound of the birds chirping happily now that morning had come, the soft wind blowing through the trees and the warmth of the sun beaming onto my face.

"Katria!" Duncan said in a sharp voice bringing me out of my daydream and motioned for me to follow him. Duncan moved at a fast pace, causing me to have to jog to catch up to him. I looked at him about to say something about how beautiful the morning was but his gaze didn't leave from the path so I snapped my mouth shut, he wouldn't care anyway. We walked all morning and most of the afternoon before we finally arrived at Ostagar.

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