Chapter 21: Nightfall

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Again, I took down the old version of this chapter.. Sorry about that. Enjoy! Vote and Comment(: 


Chapter 21: Nightfall

I woke out of a deep sleep, the room was silent, the only noise was the sound of cups clanking in the tavern downstairs.

I puffed out air and sat out of bed, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. I looked over at myself in the mirror in the corner, my face was bruised and my hair matted in the loose bun from earlier. I smiled at the picture and pulled my hair down, grabbing my cloak out of my pack.

I opened the door quietly and crept down the stairs to the tavern, I needed a drink of something, anything. I rounded the corner from the staircase, Alistair was sitting in a bench resting his head in his hands. I smiled at the corner of my mouth and made my way to him. 

"You're up late," I said as I sat down across from him and motioned for the waiter. Alistair puffed air out of his nose.

"How can you tell, we're underground." He joked, wrapping his hands around his pint glass sleepily.

The barkeep handed me a glass, I sighed and took a sip, the warm drink trickled down my throat. 

"Harrowmont's servant stopped by earlier," Alistair looked up at me, sighing. 

"And?" I asked, hopeful we didn't have to do anything else or at least nothing too painful.

"Harrowmont wants to meet with us tomorrow, it didn't sound good." He said quietly, I plopped my head on the table. 

"Great," I said, pushing out of the seat and walking up the stairs. I walked back into my room and flung myself down on my bed, letting out a quiet scream into my pillow. 

"Katria," A voice cooed from the doorway, Alistair was standing there with a solemn expression on his face.

"What is it?" I sat up on the edge of the bed, I laughed slightly when I saw his torn undershirt.

"It looks that bad huh?" Alistair smiled at the corner of his mouth and sat down beside me.

"Listen," Alistair's face turned serious and her wrapped his hand around mine, "I don't know how this is all going to end, I don't know how something so horrible could possibly end happy." He furrowed his brow.

"We're going to win, don't talk like that." I said sadly, even though I constantly thought the same thing about the entire situation. 

"How can you be sure," His deep burning eyes looked into mine, a sadness I haven't seen since Duncan entered them, "I can't lose you," He whispered cupping his hand around my face and crashing his lips to mine and I kissed back with everything I had.

"I don't know how much time we have left," Alistair breathed between kisses, I put my finger against his lips.

"We have time, don't talk like that." I said quietly, "Wait." I said pushing away from him.

"Wouldn't all this go against your chantry training?" I joked, smiling wickedly. Alistair laughed, laying down beside me.

"I shouldd've been struck by lightening by now," He smiled, closing his eyes.


I groaned as I stretched, the room was still dark, but of course there was no sun to light it. Alistair was spread out on the bed, his leg flung over mine and his arm wrapped around my chest, he was perfect even when he was sleeping. I sighed and squirmed my way from underneath him, a hand wrapped around my arm.

"Don't go," He mumbled out, not opening his eyes.

"We've got to meet with Harrowmont," I said softly, pulling from his grip. 

I pulled my cuirass over my head and slipped my greaves on, putting my bow on my back and sheathing my daggers on my hips. Alistair had sat up on the bed and was smiling at me, I arched my eyebrows.

"Come on," I joked and pulled him off the bed and ran out the door before he could stop me. 

I  walked down the stairs quickly into the tavern, the group was already eating breakfast. I smiled and slid in beside Leliana, who beemed at me.

"Good morning everyone," I said happily, grabbing a biscuit and jam. Wynne smiled, Alistair had slipped in rahter unnoticed beside Morrigan who was scowling at him.

"All night a dwarf annoyed me," She groaned, 

"Me?" A slur intruded in our breakfast, the red haired dwarf was smiling wickedly at Morrigan who glared at him, repulsed. 

"Well princess, I didn't mean to bother you." The dwarf joked and plopped down in a chair.

"Alistair and I are going to meet with Harrowmont," I said quickly to the others, pushing out of the booth and walking towards the exit. 

Alistair and I walked through the commons, buying him a new undershirt on the way along with another pair of daggers for me, and made our way to the upper level.

I walked into Harrowmonts manor, "Hello?" I called out, looking around the house. A servant popped around the corner.

"Come with me," He said quickly, we briskly followed him down the hall, through the living area and into a small office at the back of the house.

"Lord Harrowmont; these are the Grey Wardens." The servant announced, an older dwarf turned around slowly, smiling slightly at our ragged looks. 

"Thank you," His soft voice answered the servant, "Glad to meet you," He reached a hand up and we shook. 

"To you as well," I smiled, looking over at Alistair. 

"We need your support against the darkspawn," I said quickly, "I'm sorry for being blunt, but there isn't enough time." I said apologetically. 

"I understand that, but there still isn't enough votes for me to become king." He sighed, fumbling through papers on his desk. "I need Branka." He spun around, glaring at me.

I arched my eyebrows, "Branka?" I asked, looking over at Alistair who shrugged. "She is a paragon who disappeared on some God's forsaken quest to the deep roads." He explained, "With her support I could easily get the vote and in turn help you."

"You want us to go in the deep roads?" Alistair blurted out.

"Yes," Harrowmont answered quickly.

"If that's what will get us your support then that's what we will do." I said, bowing slightly and turning to walk out the door.

"Thank you, Grey Wardens." Harrowmont called out.


I know it was another short chapter, next will be longer! Vote and comment!(: Thank you all!

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